Deadly Whispers

37 4 0

Rainy season is coming on its way,
Mosquitoes are having best of their day.
Whispering loud unclear chants near your ear,
Keeping you awake of sounds so clear.

Biting every inch of your flesh,
Sucking blood is no other less.
Leaving red-like marks in your skin,
Itching, scratching deep through within.

Soon, fever comes in a sudden,
Stays long for days of seven.
Suffering to all the pains,
Symptoms are walking in veins.

Cases are fast rising in number,
Hospitals are flowingly crowded.
Some are already in their deep slumber,
Most survived even they are still wounded.

Small in size but terrible biter,
They're silently attacking their prey.
Everyone must be a good fighter,
Dengue is never an easy play.


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