Donah - swimmerboy

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A/N: As you may have guessed this one-shot Is about swimming. As some of you may know, I swim. For the people that have no idea how a swim pool looks during a training or during a meet. I put a picture up there (this is my computer background lol). This is how a pool looks like during a meet. The only difference with a pool during training is the lines. Enjoy reading :)


It was 5am, a normal person would lay in his bed still asleep. But Daniel was driving to a swim pool. Some curse words left his mouth while he was speeding on the highway, he slept trough his alarm. He should have been in the swim pool at 5. He took another sip of his coffee trying to stay awake. Daniel was never a morning person and never will be one. He hates waking up early but he needs this job. He works as a lifeguard at a swim pool, he works till 10.

Daniel immediately parked his car in the parking lot and ran to the swim pool. He was out of breath when he reached it. His manager was already waiting for him, Daniel silently cursed himself again. His manager almost attacked him with questions.

"Why are you late, where have you been, do I have to fire you?"

"I slept through my alarm, sorry sir I didn't mean to. And please don't fire me, I really need this job" Daniel begged.

"Since this is your first time I'll let it slide, but this is the first and the last time you're late. You understand me?"

Daniel nodded, and speed walked, after his manager left to manage things, to the room which said 'staff only'. He pulled of his coat, and put on different shoes. He walked downstairs into the pool, the sound of flowing water came to his ears and the smell of chlorine to his nose. Daniel got used to that sound and smell in the months he worked at this pool, he finds it calming.

Daniel walked into some type of small office and took out the equipment he uses for measuring the amount of chlorine in the water. If there is too much chlorine in the water it's not safe to swim. Your skin will itch and your hair can turn green, Daniel didn't believe all of that but he couldn't prove it was wrong. If there isn't enough chlorine in the water it's not good for your health. A lot of young children pee in the water.

Daniel walked to the side of the pool and squatted down, he filled the test-tube with some water. He ran some test and came to the conclusion that the water was just right. Daniel smiled at the sight of it but one test wasn't enough. He has to take three test before he can conclude that the water is good.

Once he did all the test, he had to get the bath ready. He saw that one of his colleagues already started. His name was Cornin, or something like that, Daniel only works with him once a week. The lines laid rolled out on the side of the pool, now Daniels job is to hook the hook on the end of the rope from the line in de gates in the wall.

Daniel walked to the end of one of the lines, when he noticed two swimmers sitting on a mat doing a warm-up. It was pretty clear they both were swimmers. The tall one with brown hair had pretty big arm and back muscles. Daniel immediately thought he was hot. He definitely didn't mind watching him doing a warm-up. Daniel smiled shyly when the tall guy looked his way, the guy winked back which caused Daniel to have a little heart-attack. The smaller one had curly hair put up in a man bun, he was everything but ugly but not Daniels type. He too was doing a warm-up. They both were stretching their hamstrings, Daniel knew that the hamstring from swimmers often are too short.

Daniel was staring at the pair, muscles flexing and their bodies were a bit sweaty. It was very warm in the swim pool. Daniel realized that he had to go on with his job. He walked the last part to the line. He looked to the other side and saw that Cornin already hooked the line in the wall. Daniel lightly cursed. The line was made of rope so it wasn't stretchable. Daniel took the hook in his hand and felt the stretch already. He walked to the first block, he got pulled against it. Daniel silently groaned from the impact. He made his was to the other side of the block. And after that He walked quickly to the next block. The stretch was less but Daniel still had to use al his power to not let go of the line or get pulled into the water with the line. Daniel had still three blocks to go.

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