October 28th, 2019

12 1 0

I swear. Just when I think that life is good, it all goes to shit. EVERYTIME! why can't I just be happy for a few months... a year? 2020 better be my fucking year. I'm tired of the pain, im tired of feeling lonely. im tired of the bullshit, yeah i get it, its mostly my fault for fucking everything, i can't help but fuck up everything.... every... fucking....time.... im over it. 

Im talking about school right now. Im failing accounting, that shit is hard asf.. i may have to drop the class so i dont let my other classes fail on me too... im trying so hard i swear! its like time after time after time...... im over it....i tried just sleeping it off but guess what... there are these things called nightmares...yeah they haunt your reality as well...go into your darkest mindset ever and bammmm get to you. 

you guys know that my GPA right now is not the best.... not at all. and im afraid that this class and drop my grade below the 2.0 and i lose my scholarships.... like damn... thanks universe...

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