{Chapter 1}

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My Biggest, Darkest Secret


Leo's POV:

"Dear Diary, Hello my diary, my name is Leonardo Homato. Splinters son and the brothers of Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo. There is something I wanna say to you. I maybe a good leader, great big brother, a good son and a very good friend. But I feel like I betrayed this clan and this family. Cause my biggest, darkest secret in this family and the only one. My secret is that....I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I learned that from Donnie's speech with the difference of other kinds of sexuality. Heterosexual. All my three brothers are straight and attracted to girls. Bisexual, Casey was one. Then there's Homosexual. That's me. I'm the only person in this family who is gay. It stresses me out that I can't stop looking at some hot ass guys, which is they are humans. I can't deny my sexuality. That's just me, and I have to accept it. But everyone else. They won't accept me of who I am. A faggot. Sincerely, Leonardo."

I finished writing my diary, put it in my drawer where it's safe.

'sighs' I can't tell anyone about it. Its been three years I notice of my sexuality.

I keep staring at hot guys. Nice built body and muscles as well. I even blush about it.

And plus I forgot to say in my diary. I'm submissive. That's what I learned about that too about myself.

In secret when me and my brothers go on patrols and mission. I secretly stare at some hot guys that go out in nights. So yeah thats completely it....oh yeah I'm into kinks too.

Don't judge. So anyways I went in the living, sat in front of the TV. I grab the controller and turned on the TV start watching Space Heroes. Ok there's another thing I love about Space Heroes secretly. Captain Ryan is my crush. But my star. He's a great leader.

I was trying to watch my show peacefully. I heard Mikey's scream.


And Raph's yelling. 😑

"Get over here, Mikey! You ripped my favorite comic book!!!"

Yet again Mikey accidentally ripped Raph's favorite comic book. I got fet up. "Guys, keep it down and stop running! I'm trying to watch my show here!" I yelled at them and I saw Raph glared at me. That made me flinched in fear.

"Shut up, Leo, go back with your stupid gay ass show! And let me deal with this fucker! Mikey!!" Raph said angrily. Ok rude.

And second I have never seen Raph that angry when he looked at me. That made me scared. "I'm gonna drink some green tea."

I said as I got up and went to the kitchen. I went up to the covers grabbed some glass cup. Started to make my green tea and put it inide the microwave.

I waited for 30 seconds and it beeps. I took it out and sat on the chair in the kitchen. Drinking it peacefully.

I then saw Donnie came inside looking like a zombie. "Hey, Don." I said to him.

"Hey, Leo. How are you doin'?" He said and asked.

"I'm good, but Raph is chasing Mikey around the lair cause of his stupid comic book." I said sarcastic in the end.

"Again with his comic book? My god when does he ever get over about his ripped comic book?" Donnie said.

"I think never. You know him. He gets angry easily when he do something to him, say and try." I said truthful.

"Yeah, the only one who calms him down, one and only. Is Mona Lisa." Donnie said.

Oh yeah I keep forgetting Raph had a girlfriend. Mona. Even Mikey has a girlfriend, Renet. And Donnie...well still has a crush on April still.

Can't believe he still hasn't figured it out that April has a crush on Casey only. Poor Donnie.

I rather keep it a secret. "Yeah I still can't figure that how Mona can keep him calm. Don't they ever fight for once?" I asked.

I saw Donnie shook his head. "Nope they never fought before. Never once in their life." I answered him with only 'hmm' sound.

I started to drink my tea again peacefully with Donnie drinking his coffee.

I look at the clock above and it was time for patrol. "Guys, gear up. Its patrol time.

"Oh yeah!" Mikey said and i rolled my eyes.

*20 minutes later*

"Ugghh Leo! There's nothing going on here. There's literally no Foots, Kraangs, Purple Dragons or any mutants around!" Mikey yelled at me.

'Complainer' I said in my mind about Mikey.😑

"Mikey's right, Leo. I don't see anyone right now." Donnie said.

I sighed in defeat thought there would be anyone we can defeat today. I feel so bored in the lair doing the same thing.

I look down on the streets and I saw...Shredder and his goons.

"Guys, there's one. Look down." I told everyone and they did.

I looked at my side and I saw Raph smirked evilly. "Alright, time to kick some Foots ass!" Raph cursed and that angered me.

"Language Raph, Mikey's here." I warned Raph about sweet Innocent Mikey.

"Nigga what?" Mikey said pop his head out looking at me. That completely shocked me.😶

"Ok." I said but still shock.

We saw Shredder and his goons in their motorcycle. But one of the footbots have...the mutagen.

"THEY HAVE THE MUTAGEN!!" Mikey yelled.

Leo: 😶
Donnie: 😶

I saw the foots looked up at the rooftop towards us. Even Shredder. My blood started to boil with anger and my face turned red boil as Raph's mask.

"Mikey, you fucking dumbass! They heard us!" I cursed at Mikey and he gave me a blank face.

"I never heard him curse before." Raph said. "Me neither bro, me..neither."

Ugghh great. I brought out my two katanas on my back and got ready for them.

"Get ready guys. Time to kick some foots ass." I said and I heard all the guys brought out there weapons, also.

I saw Shredder jumped up and landed on the rooftop with us. And so did the others with him.

Fishface, Rahzar, Tigerclaw, Buzzkill and...Karai with him. Ready their own weapons also. I saw Shredder looked up at me. Into my eyes and he stand up properly.

"Leonardo, it is nice to see you again. Lets finish this...." He said and brought out his gauntlets. Pointing at me.

"..Once and for all." I finished his sentence and i heard him yelled.

"Foots, attack!" He ordered and they came at us. "Turtles, ATTACK!" I said but yelled loud and we all screamed out like in war.

The one I going to fight this time....is Shredder.

Well that's that with this chapter. Hope y'all like this one so far. I wanted to make Shredder x Leo romance. I barely saw any of them in Fanfiction app. And one in this app. So yeah. Bye guys, until next chapter.
Words: 1176

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