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Written: 8th October 2019
Published: 27th of October 2019

Instead of a sea of fire I wish it was a flower field
Seo Changbin, Maze of Memories

Everyone could sense the tension in the air as both of them walked towards each other meeting in the middle.

It was completely quiet and no on dared to make a noise.

They were both starring at each other until hyunjin broke the silence.
"Is the alphas daughter your mate?"

Felix was confused since he didn't expect such a question. He was normally a very friendly and kind person but when it came to Jiae he was always very overprotective.
"That's none of your business. Right now is a competition going on" he said coldly with his deep voice.

"Okay then good luck. I won't go easy on you" hyunjin said and gave the Luna a sign to show her they were ready.

No one was able to hear their small conversation.

"Transform!" The Luna yelled.

Bone cracking was heard and after a few seconds two big wolves were standing in the middle.

Jiaes eyes widened. Felix wolf was already bigger than any other wolf in the whole pack. But hyunjin was even bigger.

He had a completely black fur.

They both growled loudly at each other making every omega shake in submission.

The Luna cleared her throat also surprised at the dominance coming from felix and the big black wolf in front of her.

With their big paws they both jumped in the air towards each other immediately after the Luna gave the signal.

They crashed into each other trying to bite and scratch the other one and with their sharp claws and long canines.

When they landed they didn't hesitate to start the next attack.
It looked like a never ending fight until Felix smaller wolf was fast enough to bite hyunjins leg.

"YES!" Jiae said a little bit too loud.

The whimpering black wolf got silent and looked directly in jiaes direction.
The black eyes that were starring holes into Jiae slowly changed colours and turned crimson red.

Chan who was standing next to the alpha suddenly yelled.

The other 5 had the same expression as chan and all looked scared and worried.

"Whats with him" the alpha asked chan.

"HIS TRUE BLOOD BEAST IS TAKING OVER" Chan said and sprinted towards the middle and transformed while running.

The black wolf that was starring directly at Jiae growled loudly.

Jiae felt like she couldn't move and was frozen at her spot.

The black wolf turned around and looked at the smaller wolf behind him who was still biting his leg.

With a fast move the black wolf bit into the smallers neck until he let go of his leg.

With his neck in his mouth he pinned him down but then bit into his leg.

Bones cracking could be heard and Felix whimpered loudly.

With his sharp and long claws he ripped open Felix stomach.

Blood immediately started to come out of his fresh wound and Felix howled in pain.

Just before hyunjin was able to hurt him more Chan in his grey wolfform finally arrived in the middle and jumped on hyunjin with such a big impact that he was able to pin him down.

But unfortunately not for long.
Hyunjin managed to stand up and now Chan and hyunjin circled around each other. Woojins dark grey wolf appeared and he jumped on hyunjin. Chan immediately went over to them helping woojin to pin him down again.

But even in this position hyunjin managed to bite into woojins leg. Woojin got off of him and whimpered.

That was enough for hyunjin to get up again and go for Chan.

Hyunjin moved way to fast for Chan and hyunjin scratched Chan with his claws.

A long but not as long as Felix scar was now on Chan's left side and blood came out.

Now the big black wolf with red eyes was standing in the middle with 3 wounded wolves around him.

Everyone around them was shocked at the sight of this much blood and a heartless beast that even hurt his friends.

671 words

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