6 - The wedding

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The next few days were busy as we picked out wedding rings. Taron had insisted on it, even though the agency would have taken care of it. There was something about him wanting to make this as personal as possible that I found flattering. Turned out we even had the same taste in jewellery.

Jen flew in and we went dress shopping together. The first dress I put on was a strapless sheer white dress. But it didn't really feel like me.

"Oh this is so beautiful" Jen gasped.

"You think?" I turned around towards the mirror. I just didn't like strapless dresses.

"Suits you perfectly" Jen said.

"I'd rather wear something that is more-" I thought about it "more like me"

"Well not that I can give any advice on that matter. But it'll make you forget what's real and what's the contract. It's not you are marrying him because you love him"

She had a point "Yeah you're right"

"I'll try on another though" I laughed. Screw the contract, I wanted to wear my perfect dream wedding dress even if it wasn't a love wedding.

The next dress was better. It was a lace dress that reminded me of Kate Middleton's wedding dress.

"I love this" I smiled brightly as I looked at myself in the mirror. "What do you think?" I asked Jen.

She frowned "Well it's beautiful. I just hope you know what you're doing" she just knew me too well.

"I will take it" I said to the sales assistant and changed into my normal clothes again.

I shivered as I thought about picking out lingerie to go under this dress. I would shop this on my own though. It's not like Taron would see any of it but it would make me feel more comfortable and sexier. There was nothing wrong with that, right?

It would only be a few days till our wedding and I was so nervous. Taron and I got along perfectly but we both felt some way between sad and happy. I tried to remind myself again and again that Taron wasn't the love of my life. Some other man would sweep me off my feet eventually.

I sighed as I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I opened the door just to find Taron standing there, completely naked. He must just have come out of the shower. I watched as the water ran down his body and my imagination ran wild.

"Sorry" I shouted and closed the door again. I walked back to my room, my legs shaking. His body was to die for and I was all too reminded of how his skin felt against mine, how he had known my body better than I ever had.

I sat down on my bed again and tried to calm my breathing when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find Taron standing there, a towel wrapped around his waist. I wish I could say I looked into his eyes only. But my eyes seemed to have other plans as I looked him up and down and he frowned lightly before smiling.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were up already" I said, surprised I sounded so calm. How we hadn't run into each other in the bathroom before was beyond me.

"It's nothing" Taron laughed. "It's not like you haven't seen me like that before"

"Don't remind me" I said before I could stop myself.

Taron looked at me weirdly before saying "Should we discuss the wedding details later?"


I went to the bathroom now that Taron was finished and took my time getting ready. The hot water was running down my body but my mind was somewhere else entirely. I closed my eyes and could practically feel Taron touching me, his body against mine, breathing him in. His voice when he was breathless. His eyes staring into mine when we came.

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