Chapter 4: Tertio Memento Mori

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Over the past month, you had been spending a lot of time with Levi – playing piano, reading, walking the grounds. However, he never joined you in the servants' quarters, where most of the staff gathered to socialize after work. You never pressured him to, understanding the desire to avoid large groups of people. You yourself preferred the company of books, but occasionally you would attend an evening soiree so you could talk with your friends. Of course, you always left early.

While the residents had a swinging wake outside, the staff had their own party in a parlor crammed with old gaming tables and moth-eaten couches. It was on one of these that you now sat, nestled between two of the butlers, Cedric and Arnold.

Before you met Levi, Cedric and Arnold had been your closest friends at the mansion. While they never quite understood you like Levi did, the three of you had fun together. You often spent these evening soirees trading sarcastic remarks and playful insults. Occasionally, you would pretend to flirt with each other, but only for dark amusement. You never meant anything by it.

Cedric had his arm wrapped casually around your waist, this thumb lightly brushing back and forth across your ribs. You thought nothing of it as you half-listened to the conversation he and Arnold were having with three of the maids. You had realized years ago that the warmth that spread through your body at his touch was nothing more than hormones, which apparently remained even though you were undead. You didn't have any real attraction to Cedric, not in the way that mattered. He didn't think of you that way either, but it was habitual for him to touch you absentmindedly like this. He did it to all the girls. He fooled around with them, too – all except you, since you were never interested in a fling. Nevertheless, you had to admit – to yourself, not anyone else – that it felt nice to be held like this. And Cedric was your friend, so you didn't see any harm in it.

You had been sitting there for half an hour when you heard the door click open. Odd, considering that the usual crowd was already here. You thought it might be Broome, coming to scold everyone for being too rowdy. However, when you flicked your eyes to the doorway, you were struck with the slightest twinge of surprise.

It wasn't Broome standing there – it was Levi. His eyes found you in the crowd, and then they traveled down to Cedric's hand at your waist. His stare lingered there for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him.

You glanced around. No one else seemed to notice Levi entering or leaving. They were too absorbed in their mindless chatter. You excused yourself and followed Levi out the door.

You didn't see him in the hallway, so you decided to check his bedroom. Tentatively, you lifted a hand and knocked on the door. After a few moments and no answer, you tried the handle. It was unlocked.

"Levi?" you called, pushing the door open.

"I didn't answer for a reason, you know," Levi barked, glaring at you from where he stood by the window.

You blinked. It seemed like he was actually angry with you. But...why would that be? "Is something wrong?" you asked.

He scoffed, turning his face away from you.

Clearly, this was not going to be a pleasant conversation. You leaned back against the door, shutting it so that no passersby would hear. "Levi, whatever it is, you can tell me."

"Tch. Nothing's wrong, you nosy brat," he snapped.

You were starting to get annoyed with his attitude. "Then why are you acting this way?"

Levi whirled to face you. "Don't you get it?" he growled as he stormed across the room until he was mere inches from you. "I don't want you here. Just go back to your boyfriend and stop bothering me."

"My...what? You mean Cedric?" you asked, vaguely nonplussed. Why would Levi care about that? Surely he wasn't jealous. "He's's not like that. We're just friends." For some inexplicable reason, you needed Levi to understand that.

He scoffed. "That's not what it looked like to me."

"It's the truth." Perturbed that he didn't believe you, you quipped, "Why do you care, anyway?"

Levi looked at the ground. "Idiot," he muttered.

You thought you might be seeing things, because you could have sworn the faintest blush dusted his cheeks. Except, servants didn't blush, did they? Before you could get a good look, Levi shoved you against the wall, pressing his lips to yours.

Shock, complete and brutal, took over. He was kissing you. Levi was kissing you.

Before you had a chance to respond, he pulled away, turning his face in an attempt to hide it from you. Oh, he was definitely blushing. "I...I'm s-sorry, I..." And now he was stuttering? You had never seen Levi so flustered, but it was kind of cute. "I d-don't know what came over m-me..."

"Do that again," you whispered impulsively.

Levi looked up at you, eyes wide. "What?"

You took a shallow breath, trying to get a grip on yourself. Emotions – actual emotions – whirled inside you, so strong that you thought you might burst with the force of it. It was sickeningly unpleasant, but also wonderful. "I like you, Levi," you breathed, "and I want you to kiss me again."

He stared at you, clearly in shock, for a long moment. Then he blinked. Slowly, tentatively, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. You returned it, and then you were moving together. Neither of you really knew what you were doing, but you got the hang of it eventually. Levi cupped your cheek in his gloved hand, tilting your head to get a better angle. A slight tingling sensation began to blossom in your stomach. You wrapped your arms around Levi, pulling him close.

When you broke apart for air, Levi buried his face in your shoulder. "I like you, too, (f/n)," he mumbled into your dress.

You chuckled lightly. You were so used to the stoic, utterly unflappable Levi, and you enjoyed seeing this side of him. You doubted that anyone else ever did. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Levi," you whispered.

He looked up at you, meeting your gaze. The true depth of what you felt for him started to sink into you. As you lost yourself in his grey-blue eyes, you could tell he felt the same. However, emotions were so foreign to you that you had no idea why you felt that way, or what it meant. Your brow furrowed. "Levi, what do we do now? I didn't think servants were supposed to this."

Levi considered, then pressed a kiss to your forehead. "We'll figure it out, (f/n). But for now...try not to worry," he said gently.

Logically, you knew that Levi understood the situation no better than you did. Yet, when he folded you into his arms, you couldn't help feeling that, as long as you were with him, everything would be alright.

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