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Dib looks at it, he also sees a bunch of missed calls and stuff " oh shit!"




Dib takes the phone " oh no.." He goes in and looks at all the messages


Zim looks at Dib. He's worried. "Dib? What's wrong? What is it?",


" my dad has been blowin me up.." He keeps scrolling

" fuck.."




" he knows........." Dib starts to chew on his nails nervously


"He...He what....?", Zim grabs Dib's shoulder, noticing his distress. "Hey! Dib-beast..",

"It is going to be alright..",


Dib stops and looks at zim " y-yeah , it will be fine " he trys to smile


"Dib..", Zim looks him in the eyes. "What did he say?",


" he just said alot of are you alright and were am i and a bunch of other nonsence and that he wants me to come home and heheheh" dib sweats


Zim hugs him. "Let's go then... I promise I will not let anything happen.",


Dib nodds " ok-kay"


"Shhh.. Deep breaths human",


Dib breaths steadily " okay....first off...were is my shirt and stuff..?"


Zim separates from Dib. "They are by the bed..",


He looks around finding them " oh" he grabs his shirt and hoodie


"We should hurry.. We wouldn't want to worry your father even more.",


" uhm..yeah" he looks at Zim and spreads out his arms "want me to carry you.?"


"Yes, but only if you want to..",


Dib smiles and scoops him up " so do you need your disguise this time..?"


Zim nods. "Yes I do.",


Dib goes into the tube " alright "


Time skip owo


They made it to the house and dib stops in the front just stareing at the door


Zim looks up. "It is going to be ok.",


Dib takes a deep breath and puts his hood up and walks into the house


Professor Membrane is on the couch, typing, and typing, and typing.. Where was his son?! Why did his vital signs read critical?! It was all he could think about since he woke up this morning. He heard a noise at the door. Dib. He raced to the door, heart pounding. "Son! Dib, is that you?!",

Various RPs That Me And My Friend Have DoneWhere stories live. Discover now