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Zim drops the phone, falling to his knees. This could not be happening! Not like this, not a stupid mistake like this... Why was his PAK malfunctioning?

He was going to die here. Alone and afraid. Damn computer, always getting things wrong.


Dib runs to zims house thoughts raceing through his head , the thought became more violent by the muinute , his heart was beating so fast that it hurt
He finally gets to zim door shakey and out of breath, he walks in, doesnt evwn bother to knock

"Zim!?" He looked around wondering were he was


Zim tried to move, failing badly. As soon as he thought he had gotten balanced he had fallen flat on his face. A groan left his lips as he turned himself onto his side.

"Computer..", Zim's voice came out raspy and low. "Take me to the surface..",


dib goes into the kitchen
Is he in the lower part of the base..?


Wires come from several directions in the lab. They grab a hold of Zim and drag him towards a lowering elevator. Once inside, it promptly transports him to the land above, where a worrying human waits.


He looks at were zim is comeing in "zim!" Goes to him I M E D I A T L Y


Zim is clutching at his torso. What a human may call their stomach. And groaning in pain. His instincts took over when he saw Dib hovering over him. He reached an arm upward. "Help..",


" i am, dont worry ,im here now" he picks up the small alien and holds him close , he then looks at were zim came from , unsure what to do at this point

He then desides that he doesnt really know how to get to the bottem of zims base so he might end up haveing to go back to his house to try and fix the pak
So he quickly bolts out of zims base and trys to get back to his house as fast as he possibly can


Zim's antennae perk as he realizes he's been taken out of his base without his disguise. He doesn't have time to dwell on it however, as his world starts to fade to black.


Dib keeps a close grip, not remembering the whole disguise ordeal , and he just. Runs, he can see his house but its still to far

He quickly gets to the house . he doeant care about what anybody else was doing or what gaz was mad about this time , he just ran up the stares and into his bedroom . then he goes to the bed and gentally lays zim down on the bed " there..."

He then Turns zim onto his stomach moving his arms out from underneath " okay , uh..shit uhm.."


The PAK is glowing a blinking red, alarmingly divergent from it's usual fluorescent pink. Zim breaths are shallow, his life clock isn't ticking yet, but something is clearly wrong.


Dib trys to find a way to open the pak , he has seen zim open it by just a touch or sometimes even nothing..but sadly he didn't know how to do that. Maybe he could dismantle it , he looks for maybe some screws or a bolt? He really isn't sure what hes looking for, something , anything! Anything that might help him help zim...


The PAK stops flashing as it disconnects itself from Zim's shuddering form. Dib reels back in fear, as hand rising to cover his mouth in disbelief. The panic truly starts setting in now as he realizes the new danger present. Zim may die here if he can't fix this.

Various RPs That Me And My Friend Have DoneWhere stories live. Discover now