1. Barriers

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       Blood trickled down from your young lips to your chin. Your half-lidded eyes struggled to stay up as your pupils dilated in and out of focus. You knew you couldn't go on for much longer, but...

Your father sneered at you, "Do you even want to become a hero? Pathetic."

You clenched your fists, head hung low. You heard heavy footsteps coming toward you, and dared to look up, eyes widening at the sight.

Your father's eyes were set on a hard glare towards your twelve year old body, disapproval shining in his irises. You tensed up, waiting for the finishing blow to your pride...and body.

"Y/N" Your knees shook with fear. 'I failed him again...'

You didn't dare look up to confirm your suspensions...


After bandaging yourself up, you found yourself gravitating towards the kitchen, where your mother could be found most. Her back was facing you, arms gesturing in a way that made indicated that she was mixing something. You stood watching for a moment before she spoke.

"You can come out now, Y/N." Her sweet voice called.

You stiffened, forgetting that her quirk allowed her to know the presence of others so easily.

"Had you forgotten I can sense anyone within miles of me?" She chuckled, causing you to redden in embarrassment. "No, Mother..."

Your mother chuckled again before turning towards you, her pale E/C eyes staring into your own. If it wasn't for her eyes no one would know she was blind. Her Earth Manipulation quirk allowed for her to not only create boulders and mountains, but to as well sense the presence of others from miles away just from their footsteps, including yourself. It was a skill you wished you could learn. "How has your training been going?"

The question snapped you out of your analysis of her quirk. Your shoulders sagged at the memory, a hand unconsciously going towards your bandaged stomach.

"Fine." You answered simply. "Has your father been more fair to you this round? I've asked him time and time again to calm his quirk," Your mother's eyebrows knitted together in annoyance, "You're not Mei!"

You felt your face get hot again at the mention of your older sister's training compared to yours - another reminder of how weak your family saw you as.

"It's fine, Mom!" You quickly defended yourself, dropping formality, "I...I need to catch up to, Mei."

Your mother's brown came together again in disapproval, but she didn't say anything else about, the only sign of what she thought being a sigh. The kitchen fell into a silence.

"Mother?" You started apprehensively, breaking the brief silence. Your mother hummed in response.

"Do you think I'll ever make Father proud like Mei does?"

You couldn't see your mother's expression from where you stood, but you guessed by the way her shoulders tensed and breath seem to catch that she was taken off guard by the question. Your mother paused for a moment before answering.

"If you spend your entire life trying to please others and not yourself, you'll never get anywhere in life, Y/N."

You took a moment to think about what she said. You didn't understand what it meant at the time, but thanked her and bowed nonetheless.

That was the last you saw of your mother.


Hey hey! So...BNHA has revived my love for writing so much that I came back after two years just to write this! Hope you all enjoyed this brief first chapter.

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