3. Rescue Training

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Welcome back~

     You stood with your class, listening to the Pro Hero, Thirteen, greet you all. The USJ looked just like an amusement park!...or Universal Studios Japan...

"We should get started." Aizawa grunted as Thirteen began explaining their quirk and quirk regulations.

"Today, you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives." Thirteen said. You thought back to your mother and how she used her quirk...but this was no place for that, you concluded, pushing those nostalgic thoughts away.

You adjusted your new wrist-cuffs as they finished, wondering how you would be grouped up and such, before a sudden chill racked through you. Your body tensed in anticipation, E/C eyes snapping towards the center of the USJ where a dark portal had opened up, a hand coming out of it...

"Don't move! Stay where you are! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa barked orders, as more villains come through the portal.

'Those are definitely not decoys'  You thought, Aizawa confirming you're suspicion not even a second later.

'It looks like we're the ones in danger, now.'

3rd Person

Class 1-A gasped in shock. Real Villains?? Y/N softly grunted, looking at the various low-level villains pouring out of the portal. This was going to be no easy battle, even with two pro heroes present.

"All Might should be here as well." The shadow-like villain spoke first. 'So that's what they're here for'

"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa concluded, causing the Earth Manipulator's eyes to widen some. Hell, even she wouldn't have suspected anything.

Aizawa released his scarf pieces, the fabric encircling him as he did so.

Y/N found herself looking at Midoriya's stunned expression, and suddenly feeling uncertain about how'd he fare again. Judging by what she's gathered today, she knew that the boy was the nervous type.

The teen once again focused her gaze on the villains below, trying to gather as much information as she could, even if she wouldn't be fighting. It was either the shadow-like one or grey haired hand villain running the show, perhaps the latter as he seemed the most worked up about All Might, and the (who she assumed was,) brain dead creature standing with them was likely the strength. She pulled her eyes away from it's deformed face as quick as possible, not being the prettiest sight.

"What? Real villains? No way." Kirishima uttered, gaining the attention of the H/C female. "How could so many of them get into a facility so secure?"

"Yeah, why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo anxiously asked Thirteen. Y/N answered this one, "I wouldn't be surprised if one of the villains down there had some kind of quirk to do with disabling the alarms or other electronics." Her eyes narrowed at the horde of villains below, analyzing them, "If they planned for the reporters to distract us then they must've planned to keep us from escaping and alerting the outside world, as well."

Class 1-A's expressions varied from awe to surprise...to envy ("Just who does this smart-ass newbie think they are!?"). For many, it was the most they've heard her say all day.

"Good observation. That's a sure quality of a pro in the making." Thirteen praised the girl, who simply nodded in return.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target?" A certain dual-haired boy questioned aloud. Y/N, who was standing beside him, drew her gaze from the villains to him. "It's likely that we're their only targets, seeing as those two down there running this entire scheme seemed to be fascinated with All Might." She hummed, "...not to mention, if they've disabled the alarms they likely know that they're not strong enough to take on all of the Pro Teachers at once." She concluded again, once again earning the internal wowed reactions of her classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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