Chapter 20

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"Okay thank you, we will be with you as soon as we figure out the situation." The nurse said then rushed into the room Taehyung is in. The last thing that Jungkook saw was Taehyung's body on the operating table with Doctors surrounding him. Jungkook finally sat down and looked down at the floor.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mommy?" Jin-a came up to Jungkook with grabby hands as Taemin and Taegguk sat in the chairs next to Jungkook. Jungkook had almost forgot the triplets were with him as he had so much happen in the span of the last 15 minutes, Jungkook lifted Jin-a and put her in his lap. "Mommy is just sleeping, but he will be okay. We are here because mommy wasn't waking up and daddy got scared, but I promise you mommy will be okay." Jungkook said then turned to his two sons. "And I also promise you two mommy will be okay." Jungkook said as he leans back into his chair as Jin-a laid her head on Jungkook's chest, falling asleep along with her two brothers.

It wasn't for an hour tell a nurse came out of the room, and as soon as she did Jungkook sprung up while hold Jin-a to his chest. "Is he alright?" Jungkook asked as the rest of the doctors and nurses came out of the room.

"Mr. Jeon is stable now, he should be waking up soon. As for the baby I am worried." The nurse said, after Jungkook heard that tears started rolling down his cheeks. "Why are you worried about the baby?" Jungkook question as he silently blamed himself. "Well Mr.Jeon has not been eating and getting the nutrient that he has been needing to in the past weeks to provide nutrients to the baby, so the baby is smaller than I would like it to be. If you waited to come here any later than you would have, I am afraid Mr.Jeon would have had a miscarriage." The nurse said as Jungkook nodded.

"You may go into the room now, along with the three little ones." The nurse said as she saw how worried Jungkook looked along with the three toddler that had tear stains down their cheeks. "Thank you, for everything." Jungkook said then some how picked up all three sleeping toddlers up, then walked into Taehyung's room.

When he got in the room he laid the triplets down on the couch then pulled a chair up to the hospital bed Taehyung was laying in, still unconscious. He sat down and took Taehyung's hand into his, kissing the top of Taehyung's then putting his forehead on his hand. He started to cry again as he started blaming himself for what has happened. "I-I am-m so-o so-sorry my bea-beauti-ful Ta-Taehyung." Jungkook said as sobs wrecked throughout his body. "It's okay." Jungkook barely heard it but still did, he immediately looked up at Taehyung.

"Omg Tae." Jungkook said as he got up and hugged Taehyung, crying into Taehyung's shoulder now. "It's okay Jungkook." Taehyung said as he ran his hand through the crying boys hair. "It's al-all my fa-fault." Jungkook sobbed. "Shh it's okay, I'm okay. Stop blaming yourself, okay." Taehyung said as he pulled Jungkook's face out of his shoulder and cupped his cheeks whipping Jungkook's tears.

"No it's not okay Taehyung, the baby, oh my god the baby." Jungkook said as he started sobbing again. "Wh-what happened to the baby?" Taehyung said as he eyes started getting glossy,

"We almost lost it. They said if I had gotten you here any later you would have had a miscarriage." Jungkook said as he sat back down with one hand holding Taehyung's hand and the other hand on Taehyung's barley noticeable baby bump. "Hey, hey calm down Jungkook." Taehyung said as he whipped Jungkook's tears agin.

"I so sor-sorry Taehyung." Jungkook said sniffling. "It's okay Jungkook, we are both okay, thanks to you." Taehyung said as he pulled Jungkook towards him and put him in his arms. "But I would have never found you if it wasn't for Taegguk. He's the one that found you then came running to me crying that you were on the floor in the bathroom." Jungkook said then buried his face into Taehyung's neck. "Shhh were fine now Jungkook, both of us." Taehyung said then kissed Jungkook's temple.

"Did you bring the triplets with you?" Taehyung had asked Jungkook, after he had calmed down. "Yes, they fell asleep while we were waiting to get to see you. They are over there on the couch, sleeping." Jungkook said then pointed to where the triplets were.

"So your not mad at me for being pregnant. Your not going to leave me , the triplets, and the unborn baby to live with out you?" Taehyung had asked later on that night after Jin, and Namjoon had visited seeing as the other boys couldn't come because of work , and took the triplets with them so Taehyung and Jungkook could have alone time and let Taehyung get stronger with out having to look after the triplets. "I promise I am not, I was being immature. I promised I would never leave you the day we found out you were pregnant the first time and on our wedding night I had promised to never leave you. So no, I am here to stay, I am not leaving any of you. Even the baby you are now pregnant with." Jungkook said then placed his hand on Taehyung's stomach, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Oh god, I was so scared you we going to leave." Taehyung said then started crying. Jungkook got up and laid next to Taehyung in the hospital bed and pulled the crying boy into his embrace. "I am so sorry I was ignoring you for weeks and weeks. I am so sorry for making you suffer. I am so sorry for not making sure you were okay. I am so sorry I didn't consider the fact that if you were pregnant, that I was also making the baby suffer. I am so sorry for making you fell like I would leave if you were pregnant. I am so sorry for everything." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung after Taehyung had calmed down, both then after falling asleep with tear stains on their cheeks down to their necks.

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