Chapter One: Rosie

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People have told me since I could always remember, that life isn't fair. What they didn't tell me was that not only was life not fair, it was also a stone-cold hearted bitch.
I woke to the sound of my older brother snoring and my alarm going off in a high pitched squealing noise. Oh how I hated that thing dearly. I let one of my legs hang off the side of the bed and slowly inched myself off the top bunk not totally giving up on the idea of hitting snooze and crawling back under the blankets.
I finally rolled off and purposely landed on Jason's face to wake him up. School was staring in 20 minutes and as usual, we would be late.
"Hey dumb ass it's 7:43 time to get up." I called from the kitchen. We didn't technically live by ourselves, but at the same time we basically did. After dad had passed mom really gave up. She's gone for weeks at a time. Mostly she comes back once a month to pay the bills and sleep with a different bartender, but after that she's no where to be seen. I can't really blame her for the way that she's acting, but it's been 7 years and she needs to realize that her children need her.
Five more minutes passed before Jason finally rose from the dead. I handed him his cup of coffee and proceeded to get ready for another day of school.
I walked into our small closet-like room and threw on the nearest pair of jeans. I didn't bother to change out of my black 'ACDC Back in Black tour' shirt considering I had only slept in it. I then threw my black hair in a bun and walked into our messy bathroom to finish up.
I brushed my teeth and threw some old mascara on and walked out to see that Jason had passed out on the counter. I sighed to myself and threw a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt at him that I had found in a laundry basket. He woke with a yawn and got changed in the middle of the kitchen with out saying a word.
We showed up at school at 8:05, we were still late, but at the same time we weren't late at all. If that makes sense?
We both walked into the office to pick up our already-written-out tardy slips and walked to our locker. We were late every day since we were in 7th grade, so no one even bothered giving us detention any more. It was a good thing I guess.
Our school was short on lockers by about 50 so we were all forced to share. Piper and Braxton weren't all into that so Jason, Piper, Braxton and I all jammed into one. It was hell.
Jason and I were about to walk our separate ways when the intercom came on. "Rosie and Jason Donahue to the office please, Rosie and Jason Donahue to the office. Thank you." I looked at Jason and began laughing. "Are you kidding me? We didn't even make it to first hour and were already being called down. I don't even know what we did this time!" Jason said.
We both walked into the office with our shoulders slumped and we had on faces of death. We both haven't had much sleep lately.
Ms. King looked up at us with an almost blinding white smile, "Oh! Yes, Mr. Chase would like to see you in his office." Shit. The principal. I absolutely hated going in there. Last time I was in there he started grilling me about my mom and how she was doing. I was only like 13 and it scared the hell out of me. I didn't want to be taken away so I just kept my trap shut.
As we walked in he signaled for each of us to sit in one of the nasty old leather chairs that he had sitting in front of his desk. I guess his office wasn't as scary as I remembered and my heart instantly slowed down.
"It's come to my attention that the both of you are currently failing more than three classes." He said without even looking up. So this is what it's about. I rolled my eyes and sat back in the chair instantly relaxing.
"Yeah?" I spat. What's it to him? It's not like I plan on going to college anyways. I would never be able to afford it and honestly, it seemed like a waste of time.
"Well it's up to me to inform you that because of your laziness and lack of caring, you both now have to serve detention with Mr. Rexton until you can pull your grades up." He still hasn't looked at us once.
Jason nearly spat. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He hissed. I laughed at how outrageous it was that he would swear at the principal. That was Jason for ya.
"No Jason I'm not kidding you." He finally looked up when he replied this time. I was satisfied.
Mr. Chase began saying something else but the bell rang signaling that first hour was over so I got up and left ignoring Mr. Chases calls for me to come back.
"Rosie! Hey Rosie! Rosie!" It was Braxton. For some odd reason he had this obsession with me. I guess I didn't really mind it anymore. We grew up together and he was one of my closest friends. Even if he did have a giant crush on me, it didn't change anything.
I turned around to see him and Piper rushing towards me.
Piper was one of those dread headed hippies who smoked a lot of weed and didn't have a care in the world. But boy, when she had an opinion on something, she didn't go un heard. SHe had long (dreaded) dirty brown hair with little beads in it. She had a black nose ring and the perfect face. She has never worn makeup and let me tell you, she doesn't need it. She couldnt have been more than 5"5 but she slouched a lot so it made her that much shorter.
Braxton. Let me tell you about Braxton. He was hot. Not going to lie. He had a head full of perfectly straight blonde hair and a pair of chocolate brown eyes to match. He had a touch of a feminine side in him but that's what made him Braxton. He was a little obsessed with me and it was flattering, but sometimes he just needs to get away from me. It want awkward or anything, just. Annoying.
"Do you want to hang out later? It's football Friday so there's definitely going to be a rad party." Piper said. A party? Hell yeah. I'm in.
"Yeah I can hang. But I gotta serve this detention thing first with Jason. I'll catch up with you guys later okay?" We all nodded in agreement and went our separate ways. That's one thing I liked about my friends, they didn't linger. I mean year sometimes Braxton got a little too close but he some how always knows when to stay the hell away from me.
I went to my locker to see if Jason was there, and luckily he was. I wasn't about to serve this detention shit alone and if he was going to ditch, so was I.
"You ready?" He said standing up straight. I nodded and spun around on my heel and began walking towards the detention room with Mr. Rexton. I never met the guy before. I heard he was a new guy fresh out of college. 25 or 26 maybe? He couldn't have been that bad.
We walked through the door to see that six other kids had detention that day too. Great. I took a seat in the very back corner and Jason took a seat in front of me. Just as I was about to lie my head down Mr. Rexton walked through the door. My jaw dropped in awe. He was beyond gorgeous. He had shaggy brown hair and big dark brown eyes. He was tall and masculine to the max. He was wearing kahkis and a black v neck. I nearly fainted. When he bent his arms his muscles popped out. He was the definition of perfect. Maybe detention wasn't going to be so bad after all.
I could tell I wasn't the only one who thought so. As I looked around the room I could see a few other girls with their mouths open. They looked ridiculous so I instantly closed mine.
"Jeez. Staring much?" Jason teased. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment and I laid my head down trying to ignore the fact that I just got a lady boner from a teacher.
"Alright," I snapped my head at the voice of Mr. Rexon. It was husky and.. Hot. "I want to get a few things straight. I didn't ask for this. I don't want to be here, and I guess that you guys don't want to be either," not necessarily I thought, "so because of them two reasons alone, I'm leaving. You're free to stay if you want but no one is going to be around to watch you so there's really no point." And just like that, he was gone.
Everyone sat around for a couple seconds a little shocked by what just happened. But in the same instant everyone got up and left the room without saying anything.
"Well that was fucking weird." Jason scoffed. I nodded my head, still in a daze about Mr. Rexon. There's was something about him that I just couldn't figure out. I wanted to dig deeper. Dig way deeper.

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