Chapter One: Falling is a real Beach

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Falling was the only sensation I felt. I couldn't tell how fast or slow I was going. Everything was so dark, enough to where I couldn't see my hands or anything else. I had no idea how long I had been falling, either. Would this last forever? I thought. I was caught by surprise when I felt a smooth flat surface beneath me. I now knew I was lying down. Slowly I sat up, and the smooth surface began to crack with blinding light. The darkness peeled away, and I was standing on a pure white pillar amid the dark. I looked down and saw that I wore a dress of the same blinding white, swirls of alternating colors rippling from the bottom of my dress. "Where am I?" I finally spoke aloud. My voice was weird and echoey. How long had it been since I had talked?

"So much to do, so little time..." an omniscient voice interrupted my thoughts. I couldn't tell if the sound was inside or outside of my head. "Take your time." "Take my time doing what?" I questioned as I stepped forward, allowing my dress to flow behind me. "Don't be afraid. The door is still shut." Door? Time? "I don't understand, you didn't answer my question," I called out into the abyss of darkness. "Now, step forward." the voice commanded me. I obeyed. What other choice did I have? I took a couple steps, so now I was standing in the middle of the pillar. When I reached my place, the floor beneath me began to rumble. Three pedestals erupted from the white, showing three items. "Extraordinary power sleeps within you. If you give it form, it will give you great strength." the voice spoke again.

I looked at the items. A sword. A wand. A shield. The pillar bearing the shield began to glow. "The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all." The light from the pedestals dissipated, and the pillar with the sword began to glow. "The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction." When the light disappeared, the last pedestal lit up the wand. "The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin." I looked at the pedestals and then looked up. "Is this where I take my time?" I asked the darkness, hoping the voice would give me a straight answer. No such luck.

"You're different from the rest." the voice answered ambiguously. Behind me, there was another rumble, and this pedestal held gems that surrounded a crystal heart. "The Power of the Enchanted. All to protect. All to seek. All to destroy. The choice is yours, choose one of the first and lose one of the first. Or take all to keep all." All pedestals carried good qualities with potential downfalls. I bit my lip and faced the fourth pedestal. "I will not destroy. I choose the Power of the Enchanted." I held my hands out towards the gems, and they floated in my hands. Instinctively, I brought the gems close to me, and they disappeared into me. Power surged throughout my veins.

"You chose wisely. Not all who come see the Power of the Enchanted." the voice praised me. With the voices praise, came the crumbling of the pedestals. This caused the white pillar to begin to slowly shatter. I ran to the edge to avoid it, but there was no evading the darkness. I fell. As quickly as I started falling, I saw a violet pillar below me. I swiftly fell towards it, but when I came close, I slowed and was able to land on my feet. Facing me was a door. A transparent door. I walked towards the door, holding out my hand. Power still surged throughout me. I placed my hand delicately on the door, expecting it to just go through. There was a spark of life, and the door began to materialize. "Go on." the voice urged. "I guess I have to go through," I muttered to myself. The door opened for me, and I walked into the light. "Your adventure begins at midday. Keep a steady pace, and you'll be fine. Don't forget, you hold the mightiest weapon of all." The mysterious voice began to echo away.


There was that falling feeling again. I took in my surroundings. I could see the sun, the bright blue sky, and smell the saltiness of the ocean. It was almost too late by the time the rest of my feeling returned. Below me, a bright blue sea was coming closer. Just in the nick of time, I tucked, held my breath, and landed into the ocean. Pain surged through my head and back from the contact of the water. My feet grazed the ocean floor below me, and I swiftly kicked myself up, trying to get to the surface. I broke to the surface and took big gasps. I looked around and saw an island, not that far off, so I started swimming towards it.

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