Chapter Two: Coconuts, Seagulls, Sunsets, Oh My

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"Sora, you still need to find two patches of mushrooms, five ripe coconuts, and a seagull egg." Kairi went down the list. I groaned; there were still more items to find. But hey, at least he and I could gather the items together. He twirled around his sword as we walked, and I stared into the beautiful blue sky. "I'm really excited you get to come with us, Lynn," he said, shortening my name. "Me too, Sora. I can't wait to explore the worlds and to get to know you and Riku all over again." he flashed a big grin and bent over and gathered big mushrooms from this patch. I held open a bag for him to put them in. "Yeah! I just want to explore and find out where Kairi is from, but Riku wants to go all in to the depths of it," he took in a deep breath and pulled a deep voice, mocking Riku. "'Why did we end up here?' 'If there are other worlds, why'd we end up on this one' and blah blah blah blah blah." Sora huffed. I laughed, tightening the strings to the bag. "Alright, now we need five ripe coconuts," I remembered from the list. "Alright, let's see if you remember how to do this," Sora said, excitedly. We ran over to the coconut trees.

We positioned ourselves at the base of the first one, and Sora readied his wooden sword. "Move back, they'll fall on you if you're not careful," he warned with a laugh. I nodded and stepped back as he whacked the tree trunk with his 'sword.' A couple of coconuts fell, but only one of them was ripe. "Nice moves." I stuck my tongue out and put the single mature coconut into the bag. Stuffing the bag into Sora's arms, I quickly nabbed his sword and found my own tree. "Let's see how well I do," I smirked and gave the tree a good whack. Coconuts tumbled down in a more significant number.

"One... two... three... four ripe coconuts. Hah!" I grinned widely. Sora rolled his eyes and picked them up. "Luck was all that is." he playfully pouted. "Whatever you say, Mr. Sore Loser." I grabbed the bag from him and bolted away. "Hey!" he exclaimed and followed me. I led us out of the cove and to shore, laughing the whole way. "Lynnette!" Sora finally caught up to me, crashing into me, causing us to tumble into a mushroom patch. "Well, at least we found the last of the mushrooms that we needed." I stood up, giggling and rubbing a now sore spot on my elbow.

After we dusted ourselves off, we headed up through the shack and to this tree that we knew had a seagull living in it. "I got this," Sora grunted as he started to climb the tree. He rose to the top swiftly and tossed the egg down to me. "Good, now we can deliver these to Kairi and get on with our lives." I playfully rolled my eyes as he slid back down. "True." he chuckled and took the bag from me. We raced back to the cove and gave Kairi the items. It was nearing sunset, so we all decided to meet at the shore once more before we went home. Riku was already there leaning against the tree, staring off into the sunset when Sora, Kairi, and I arrived. Kairi moved next to Riku, and Sora reclined into the tree. I leaned against the other side of the tree, away from the sunset; I didn't want the sun in my eyes. It got silent not long after, so Sora decided to finally break the silence.

"So... Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?" he inquired. "Could be. We'll never know by staying here." Riku answered, with a touch of sass. Sora furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "So, how far could a raft take us?" "Who knows, if we have to, we'll think of something else." Riku shrugged. Nice plan, Riku... I internally rolled my eyes at his comment and took off my shoes. "So suppose you get to another world," Kairi piped up. "What would you do there?" she asked, with a giggle. Riku was silent for a moment while Sora and I made eye contact and rolled our eyes. "Hmm, well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one." See what I mean? Sora mouthed to me and made a gagging motion. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. "And suppose there are other worlds," Riku continued, "then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"

"I don't know." Sora kind of gave up on the conversation and leaned back into the tree with his arms behind his head. "Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out." Riku said, taking Sora's comment as an actual answer. He then got up off of the tree and took a few steps towards the edge of the mini island we were on. "Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff." Riku frowned into the sunset, "So let's go." We were all silent as if we waited for Riku to say weirder mumbo jumbo. "You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you?" Kairi broke the silence, stating the obvious. "Thanks to you." Riku turned around and faced Kairi. "If you hadn't come here, I probably wouldn't have thought of any of this." Sora looked over to me and then back at Riku. "Kairi, thanks." Riku gave a soft smile and laid his hand on Kairi's knee. "Heh, you're welcome." she smiled back."Wellllllll. I'm tired." Sora loudly interrupted. "Let's go back to the main island." I agreed. "Mmk." Kairi chirped and hopped off the tree and bounded towards the shack. Sora and Riku followed, and I stayed put for a moment because I had to put my shoes back on. "Sora!" I heard Riku call out, and Sora turned around to face him. I tied up the laces on my first shoe as Riku tossed a paopu fruit in Sora's hands. "You wanted one, didn't you?" Riku smirked, with a teasing edge. "A paopu fruit?.." Sora questioned. "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what." Riku continued on past Sora with that smirk sticking. "Come on, I know you want to try it." Riku continued to tease. "Wh-what, are you talking-" Sora stuttered, and Riku laughed. Sora looked back at me as I stood up, looked down at the fruit, and tossed it away. "Come on, Lynn." he smiled and started to race after Riku and Kairi. "Coming." I smiled and ran after them.

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