Oct 29th, 2019

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Hey Dad,

I was going wait to write till Halloween since that was your favorite but I need someone to talk to and I don't know who to turn too.

It's not fair daddy, ITS NOT FAIR.

I need you back dad, I read of these people getting better, I watch these shows of people with it worse getting better and walking like nothing, why couldn't you have some of that magic.

We need you dad, we all do not just me.

Alyssa hides from the fact but her anxiety has gotten worse. Mom cries in secret but everyone knows she is stressed and depressed. And me well everyone has expected me to take responsibility around the house, I'm falling apart dad, I can't do this, I don't want to hide behind a smile anymore I want someone to hug me and tell me it's ok, I need someone to listen to me and try to calm me as they understand what I'm saying.

I need someone like you.

You may have not been the best at the whole emotions thing, but I understood I could read you, it was difficult at times but you were there.

In these times of distress about you all I remember is the fights, the times I use to pretend to call mom because of you, or the yelling matches over something so stupid.

I'm attempting to get the news clip of you reading to us off the news years ago as we sat on your lap as you read to us, I helped you read out certain words when you got to some trouble. I just want to hear you daddy. I don't care if it is your sick self or your healthy self.

I never got to say goodbye, I never got to see you one last time.

Daddy please I need you.

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