It's been a couple of days since the "Mc Donald's accident" as we call it. My nose is not as bad as it was, but the bruise is still noticeable and has become a gross yellow mixed with dark purple. Every time I laugh or move my nose though it hurts like hell.

I was very reluctant to try going into a store and yell that again, but Niall somehow got me convinced to try again. I don't even know why to be honest, this will probably end up just like last time.

Even though there might be someone gay in whichever store I go into, that doesn't mean they will raise their hand. He'll probably just find me crazy, whoever he is. And then if someone gay, single and my age does raise their hand, what then? What if I don't like the person, or he doesn't like me. That's very possible, so I don't know what the meaning of this really is, but I guess I'm stupid enough to go through with the idea even after what happened. You can't call me an idiot for no reason.

"Come on Tommo, get your ass out 'ere!" Niall screams from the living room.

I'm in my room getting ready. I know this is ironic, but if I do find the love of my life today I need to at least look decent.

After styling my hair and adjusting my shirt I'm walking out of the room. Niall is - as always - eating on my couch. He seems to do that a lot.

"Ready to go then?" I ask and within milliseconds Niall is up and on his way out of the door.

"What's the rush?" I ask as I catch up to him by the car.

"Dunno, but I'm hungry so let's try Leon first." Niall shrugs.

I start up the car engine before I speak again. "Didn't you just eat?"

"Yeah, so what?" Niall says nonchalantly and I can't help but chuckle. For such a small boy he sure does eat a lot. How the hell he is not fat and rolling on the floor by now with that appetite, I have no clue. You could call it a miracle.

We drive to the mall where we find a lot of different places. But first, Leon.

Location 4: Leon 12:49 pm

This time around I take some time to look around the restaurant before I say anything. I just wanna see what I'm dealing with. I spot a couple of good looking guys about my age so I cross my fingers before the words leave my mouth.

"Is there any gay, single men in here?"

Once again - I've gotten used to that now - there's no immediate reaction at first, but then a hand raises in the air and all eyes point between the hand and me.

The guy is actually pretty good looking I'm not gonna lie. I got a little excited when I saw it. The guy has dark blonde hair hidden under a black beanie. He's wearing grey sweatpants and some band t-shirt. His face really doesn't show any emotion but he's looking directly at me.

It isn't before Niall pushes me from behind that I realize I've just been standing frozen on the spot for a while now.

So Niall pushes me in the direction of the boy and I slowly walk towards the booth he's sitting alone in.

"Hello." He speaks in a very Australian accent when I'm at the edge of the booth.

"Hey, I'm Louis." I extent my hand forward to him.

"Luke." He smiles as he shakes it.

I stand there awkwardly for a couple of moments not knowing what to say until Luke speaks again. "You can sit if you want."

"Oh, okay." I sit down across from him and now notice he has a lip piercing. It's kinda hot to be honest.

"So how old are you?" Is the first question that comes to mind.

"23, and you?" He says before putting some chips in his mouth.

"25. 26 in a couple of months though. It's actually my-"

"Wait shh," Luke suddenly stops me. "My friends are coming, act like we're bro's." He commands.

"What-?" Is all I can say before another guy and a girl walk up to our booth. "Hi Luke!" The girl says smiling.

"Hey guys," Luke responds.

"So who's this?" The girl smiles at me, and I smile back.

"This is Louis, we're uh, we work out together." I look confusedly at Luke but don't say anything. What's his deal?

"Oh, hi Louis." She grins.

"Hey." I say, but I'm not smiling anymore, I really just don't want to be having this conversation right now.

"How's it going with Serra?" The guy asks.

Oh no. Oh hell no.

This cannot be happening. The one guy I manage to find and actually like turns out to be in a relationship. With a girl.

Why does this always happen to me?"

I don't even notice what's happening and when I turn back to the conversation Luke is saying bye to his friends.

There's complete silence for a couple of seconds after the two people leave.

"So um, you see, I'm-" Luke starts trying to explain but I can't listen.

"No. I can't. You're straight." I start standing up to get back to Niall and hopefully never see Luke again.

"I'm really not. I'm gay. Just not out....and Serra is just like, you know...-"

"A beard? Yeah, been there, done that. I'm sorry I'm not doing this again." I excuse myself and without further interaction I walk over to Niall who's done eating and was probably watching that whole thing because he looks at me with sympathy clear in his eyes.

"Sorry mate." He pats my back as we walk out the restaurant.

"Yeah yeah, let's just move on." I sigh.

Maybe I just need to realize that this will never happen. I don't know why I keep trying. I guess I'm just not meant to meet my soulmate.

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