Chapter Four

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(A/N: Don't bite my head off! :D I know it's been a month since I've last uploaded! I apologise everyone! I hope you like this chapter. It's not exactly interesting. It's kind of a filler I guess)


“Hey Rose, what do you think of this one?” Alice asked me, holding up a beautiful dress. I grunted at her, not really paying attention. The fact that I couldn’t get Bella out of my mind was irritating me, and don’t get me started on the scolding I keep getting from Edward for thinking ‘inappropriate’ thoughts about a human. Alice sighed loudly and dramatically, running a hand through her short hair.

“Why do you have to be so difficult all the time!” she exclaimed. I glared at her, not in the mood for talking.

“I’m not the one who wants to go to a human prom.” I scoffed as I remembered the fuss she’d made over everyone’s costumes and things.

“I thought you of all people would want to go to this.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” My voice got icy and I started to feel angry. Alice rolled her eyes, knowing she was getting me mad.

“Oh c’mon Rose, ‘”I wish I was human!’” she mocked in my voice. “’I wish I had never been turned! I wish Carlisle had left me that night!’” I stood up fast, towering over the pixie girl, but she didn’t flinch. I was fuming and feeling murderous.

“How dare you!” I hissed. She rolled her eyes again, and I swear I was this close to hitting her.

“What are you going to do Rose?” she whispered. “You know you can’t hit me. I’ll be able to see it before you do.” I growled at her, a scary, throaty noise that was definitely not human.  

“What is it with everyone in this ‘family’!?” I screamed making bunny quotes when I said family, because let’s be honest, this isn’t a family. Well not to me anyway. “Why does everyone insist on pissing me off and pointing out my flaws as if I don’t already see them? I’m sick of it!” I shouted louder, knowing everyone in the house will be able to hear. Alice’s face was priceless but I was too worked up to laugh. “You can’t blame me for not wanting to be… a monster! Death would’ve been better than living the same day over and over!” I was breathing heavily. “I can never have children, Alice.” I whispered. Without another word I turned and walked out of the door, not looking back.

I ran through the forests, heading closer to town. It was a Saturday and all I wanted to do was get away from that Godforsaken house. I got angrier as I felt my eyes pricking, but of course no tears appeared because I was a bloody vampire!  I felt overwhelmed with my feelings so I punched a tree, causing bark to fly off. A gaping hole was left and I calmed down slightly.

As I was standing there, Bella appeared in my mind and I had an overpowering urge to see her. It wouldn’t hurt if I found out where she lived right? With that thought in mind I flitted to the police station, knowing that’s where Chief Swan worked. The small building appeared and I was surprised to find it busy, people rushing in and out of the station, and police cars going off, causing my ears to throb painfully.

What’s going on?

I walked into the building cautiously and saw Chief Swan sitting at his desk. He looked very distressed and I wandered if this was a good idea, but I shoved the thought away.

“Chief Swan?” I said softly, approaching him. He looked up and relaxed when he saw it was only me.

“Ah, Ms Hale, what can I do for you?” his voice was strained and I could smell the anxious perspiration dripping from his body. Something serious has happened.

The Stone and the Jewel (GirlxGirl) (Twilight Fan Fiction) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now