Chapter Five

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(A/N: Finally uploaded and it's a crappy chapter -_- Hope you enjoy it anyway!)


“We have a problem.”

Carlisle was pacing and Edward was agitated. Jasper was trying to make everyone calm down, Emmett was grinning, Alice was sitting there looking worried and Esme was trying to console Carlisle. Me? I didn’t really care to be honest.

“Those vampires are being careless,” Emmett chimed in. “Which is why we should teach them a lesson.” I rolled my eyes. Typical Emmett, always wanting to solve things with his fists.

“No, something is wrong. Since when do vampires decide to kill like that? And so many as well…” Carlisle said worriedly.

“It only affects us if they get closer to Forks.” Edward said.

“You’re only saying that because of Bella.” I cut in irritably.

“Don’t be a bloody hypocrite!” Edward retorted, rounding on me. “I know better than anyone else here how you feel about this girl.” Anger was rising in me now.

“How many times have I told you to keep out of my head!?” I hissed at him, growling a little. Everyone looked at me shocked. I guess I sounded angrier than I thought.

“Stop arguing!” Alice suddenly exclaimed.

“Alice is right. We haven’t been acting like a family lately and you should know that we need to stick together.” Carlisle said.  

“Family?” I scoffed. Okay, I’m being a brat but I can’t help it. I’m just so confused right now… about Bella. “This isn’t a family.”

“You’re still thinking about her!” Edward shouted at me.

“Stop being a jealous jerk!” I screamed back. “I bet she hasn’t thought about you in that way at all has she?” He frowned at me.

“I can’t read her mind.” My face scrunched up in confusion.

“Why not?”

“How am I supposed to know?” he snapped at me.

“So you can’t hear anything?” He shook his head and I grinned. This is perfect. That means I have more of a fair chance.

Wait. What the hell am I thinking?

“Rose!” Edward exclaimed again. Everyone else was watching us like we were a tennis game.

“If you don’t like what I’m thinking stop listening.” I said calmly.

“You know it’s not that easy.”

“Okay, I’ve had enough of this. Of both of you! I don’t know what’s going on but it needs to stop right now!” Esme surprisingly said. I shut up immediately, feeling ashamed. Esme really had that effect on me. Guilt washed over me and I knew Edward felt the same.

“Sorry.” I muttered. Carlisle stopped pacing and sat next to Esme who was looking at me in disappointment. God, talk about guilt trip! I felt awful.

“We’ll talk about this later,” Carlisle said sighing. “But I think you and Edward need to go to your rooms. Stay away from each other for a little while.” I frowned. Was he seriously excusing me? I decided not to argue further and I got up and walked upstairs at human pace. I don’t know what it is about Edward but he really gets under my skin.

“Everything is not about you!” Edward suddenly hissed behind me. “I’m sick of always having to hear your thoughts because they are so conceited!” I growled and shoved him against the staircase wall, taking him by surprise. I had him by the throat and I bared my teeth.

“For the millionth time get out of my head! Do you know how much I despise you?” I snarled loudly and I let him go, surprised at my force. I flitted to my room and slammed my door shut so hard it reverberated throughout the house. I started pacing my room, angry at myself and at Edward.

Maybe because what he said is right.

A knock at the door startled me and I sat down on my couch.

“Come in,” I said glumly. To my surprise, Alice came in looking worried. “What do you want?”

“I’ve never seen you like this Rose and I’m worried.” I frowned at her. Since when has she been worried about me?

“Don’t be. I’m not worth being worried about.” I muttered.

“I had a… strange vision.” Alice said hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What was it about?” I asked.

“You and Bella.” she said bluntly. I looked at her in shock, and if I could be, I’d be blushing.

“Do I even want to know?” She bit her lip and looked away, embarrassed.

“I didn’t know you were into girls.” she said, quietly and then she laughed. Oh God, this is so awkward.

“I’m not into girls.” I said immediately.

“My vision says otherwise,” she gazed at me interestedly. “Or maybe… it’s just her,” I couldn’t meet her eyes and she took that as a conformation. “I thought so!” she giggled. “Don’t worry, I’m okay with it. I think it’s sweet. I always knew Emmett wasn’t for you. It’s so obvious.” I looked at her in shock. I’m a mute right now.

“I don’t even know if I like her! Wait, what am I saying? I can’t like her! She’s a human and let’s not forget, she’s a girl!” I exclaimed.

“So?” she shrugged. “Who cares?”

“I do!” She laughed at me.

“You won’t.” And then she left, leaving me confused as hell.  What did she mean I won’t? I would never put Bella in that kind of danger. Just being around her is a threat. But she’s so hard to stay away from. She’s clearly different if Edward can’t read her thoughts. That fact only makes me want to know her more.

There was another knock on my door and Emmett came in without my consent. I mentally groaned. I haven’t talked to him for a while. I was avoiding him in a way, and now I’m slightly disgusted by his presence.

“Okay, what the hell was that?” he demanded.

“What the hell was what?” I asked, playing dumb.

“You and Edward! I have no idea what is going on but you’re about to tell me.” He sat down next to me and I flinched away from him. The thought of his hands making me shudder.

“Edward just thinks I’m getting too close to Bella. He’s jealous.” I answered, rolling my eyes.

“Wait, the Bella that you almost killed?” I glared at him. If looks could kill, he’d be dead. His eyes widened and he put his hands up in surrender. “Whoa, sorry! I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Whatever.” I muttered. Emmett hesitated before continuing.

“But I agree with him. I think you should stay away from this girl.” He is seriously saying all the wrong things right now.

“You do not have the right to tell me who I can and can’t hang around with!” I yelled furiously.

“I wouldn’t have a problem with it if she was a vampire as well! But she’s a human! A human you almost killed!” Emmett roared back at me. He looked angry as hell. “You could put this whole family in danger!” I was silent for a moment as I was honestly considering committing murder on my boyfriend.

“Get out.” I said softly. He didn’t argue, just got up and left. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out of this house.

I didn’t feel like seeing the rest of my family so I just opened one of the many large windows in my room and jumped out, landing softly on the forest ground.

Can you guess where I’m going?


To see Bella.

The Stone and the Jewel (GirlxGirl) (Twilight Fan Fiction) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now