2 No Caller ID

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„count again maybe you forgot someone" Nora said. „2..7..16..20..22" I counted. I moved some tables to look if I missed someone but for the first time something that could ruin our Business happened. What if that person tells everyone? What would happen?

My Mind was full with these Questions while we drove home. I looked on the ground and than to the Window of our car.
Nora slightly put her hand on my lab and said „Don't worry Blair, I'm sure that was just a mistake, maybe someone went to the toilet or was late to school?" in this second I realized something.

I lifted my head up and thought.

He was not there

How could I have missed him?

Brooke wasn't there when I counted. But where did he go?

As we arrived to our Mansion I went straight to my Bedroom and locked the door.

I opened my ‚secret' Wardrobe in the back of my room. I never thought that the day would come that I will open this door again.

My dad made this Wardrobe for me when I was 13. Don't ask but I have once used it.
It's actually not even a wardrobe, it's more like a room with a door in the colors of my Wall so it wouldnt get noticed by friends. I also installed my Finger print so that only me and my Dad can open it.

Whatever. Behind that door is my Everything
Something no one should have
But I loved it.

A wall full of Guns

And motion, a lot of motion that i could possibly need one day.
I walked in and glared at these beautiful Guns and designer items.

I picked out my legendary 32 (that's how I'm calling it) it's small and black with a little Diamant star in its side.

That star symbolizes me, I call it my reflection
Because I am a star and I would use the gun to show that too.

I put it in my back pocket and went to my actual closet to get me a leather jacket
I wore a black oversized Tshirt and black high waist jeans with this Leather jacked and sneakers.

I went out of my room to the hallway, my room is on the second floor and next to it was my bathroom.
„Alaia dear since when are you back
Home? Would you like to eat something?"
I heard my mother ask me.

I turned around to look at her innocent face and smiled „no thanks mom, I will eat when I am hungry" she looked worried „I heard about the operation, and that It kind of went wrong my darling, Nora told me" I nodded and hugged her.

"I don't know what to do, I wanted to be the capo but maybe if das finds out he would be mad" she held me in her arms and looked at me "baby don't worry he would never do that!, and we also already have a solution"

I looked up to her into her eyes and asked what that solution was.
"We have an old friend of the Bratva who is actually our spy, his son is in the age of you and will go to the same school as you by tomorrow."
„What's his name?"

„Brooke something I didn't catch their last name but he sound like a good guy"

I held my breath for a sec
"But mom... that guy has been in my school for ages"
She looked up to me and looked shocked "no that can't be honey I'm sure it's another Brooke"
"Well alright" I said and stepped back "I think I will go to blair's, love you! " "love u too honey, bye" and I ran down the stairs

I went out of our house and stepped into a car which was already waiting for me at the front door.
i took my phone out of my left pocket and called Blair.

"where do we go miss?" my driver asked
"to Mrs. O'Suvillians house please"
Blair's Father is a good friend of my dad.

my sister and i always played with Blair when we were young, these days my sister studies in another country
that's why i see her rarely.

in our way to the O'Suvillians house, i starred out of the window. We stopped at a red light and i could see a famous Café "le grande"
two men were sitting there and a boy in my age. He had Brown hair but that's all i could see from this distance.

the car moved and we passed more buildings until we finally reached the mansion.
the door got opened up by a servant and Blair was already waiting for me at the front door.
i ran into her arms and hugged her tightly
i haven't seen her in months.

"i have missed you Blair"
"i missed you too Alaia, come on let's head inside i have sooo much tea to spill"

she held my hand and took me upstairs.
she has a doublex room, it is a room with stairs.
She also has a secret room where we always discuss private things because literally every corner of this house has about 3 security cameras and security.

"yes and then brandon...." she was talking about that guy brandon from germany.
Blair has to go to Germany for a lot of reasons but told the school she would do a exchange month. Being the daughter of a Mafia sometimes means to leave the country for security reasons too.

I didn't need to do it yet. But that was enough for me.

"And omg Alaia, there was a hottie named frankie or something he was so-"

my phone buzzed

"ou my bad Blair but i think i'll have to take this call"

i stood up and took my phone to look at the caller

No Caller ID

that's strange, who could this be?

I know that i will take this call, but i regret it

Alaia Clemonte, you know what i worse than one bomb? fifty of them, around your house in beverly hills right? wait let me guess your parents are at home
do you know what will happen now? well guess you have 2 Chances to stop me
first chance kill them yourself
second chance give me everything your Family owns maybe i will spare your life but not theirs.

"WHO ARE YOU!? i swear if i ever find you, you little bastard i will fucking murder you with my bare hands!"

too late

your time is up Alaia



published 09.11.19

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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