3. The crazy idea Hermoine came up with...

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"Okay what's the plan?" I asked Hermoine when we got home. I threw my bag to the floor. It was the first thing I wanted to get rid of whenever I got home.
Hermoine strolled in to the kitchen. I followed her.

"Well I was thinking..." She started taking two glasses from the top cupboard and placed on the kitchen island. One infront of me and another front of herself and walked to the fridge.

"Yeah?"I urged. And leaned on the island.

"Why don't we get you a boyfriend."

Now this was the point I was waiting for my mind to process the  information but instead all I heard was a static ~tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiìiiì...~

"Wait what?" I said. Obviously this girl tripping.

"C'mon G, it'll help. If you get a boyfriend. He'll always be there to protect you even from Jean" Hermoine said brightly and placed a carton of orange juice on the island.

I stared at her wondering what did I do wrong in life to have her as a sister...
Here's the thing. Hermoine, even if she doesn't look like it, is a matchmaker maniac. She's dated alot of guys ain her time and since she wants me to "feel the joy of being in a relationship" started to hook me up with guys I don't even know.

End result. All didn't end well. One took me fishing on a date and knocked me into the pond with an oar .

Another tried to kiss me after we met 2 min ago. Like creepy much?

And it all started in 3rd grade and I am gonna spare you the embarrassing and disastrous matchmaked dates of my life.

I shook my head in bewilderment at her and took the carton from her.

"You mad girl." I said and stepped away. "You trippin' hard" and I went up the stairs.

I was so hungry. I missed dinner that night cuz I slept like a baby and just woke up. I went down stairs in my pjs to grab a snack.

When I got down there. I saw mom and Hermoine hovering over the laptop murmuring excitedly. Their backs turned to me.

"What are you guys doin'?" I asked. The two immediately spun around startled. "Nothing." Hermy said and gulped. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at them.

"Hey baby. How was your nap?" Mom asked. "Good. What are you guys hiding? "

"Oh nothing. Hermy's just...helping me to...to..to finish my slide show for work. Nothing important." Mom replied.

"Okay... " I said. I went for my snack and left the living room. The moment I left mom and Hermoine turned their attention back to the laptop.

The rest of the week was hell but I made it through till Friday.
Hermoine and I were at gym class for fifth period.
When she got an alert on her phone.
She checked it and a cheerful squeal escaped her lips.

"What?" I asked.

She hugged me and pulled away to look at me.
"It worked! you're going on a date tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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