Chapter 7 - Part 2

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After a few more small talk filled minutes, Mr Nelson was shown in, and the servant bowed themselves out. We all headed into lunch, and the small talk continued, mostly lead by Isaac, knowing who Izzy and I really were, and filled Mr Nelson in on what we had been doing when invited to the palace.

Mr Nelson quickly surmised that there was something wrong between Katie and Albert, but was too polite to mention it. I knew that if they broke up, I'd hear about it later, and if not, I'd still probably hear about it. I knew I had an almost 12 hours plane trip next to Katie before our stopover in a few days, which was ample time to drag it out of her.

Once lunch was finished, we moved back into the same sitting room we had been in before, and Izzy and I once again took up positions on the couch next to each other, instead of going to talk to our friends. Everyone else settled down, and began to make small talk, and then Izzy looked at me and nodded.

I stood, which meant everyone else had to, and I glanced around at them all. "Everyone, Bella and I have called you here for a reason, and we hope you don't mind, that you fill these in before we tell you anymore." Izzy handed out the confidentiality forms we had ready, and we sat down to wait for everyone to fill them out.

Luke, Hazel, Jake Lucy, Mr Nelson, and Isaac ignored them, just looking at everyone else. Katie filled one out, since she hadn't earlier, and I was glad she was now, just in case. She had already had to sign one about Albert, we all had, but it was good to know they were all signing one about us too. The one about Albert actually stated 'Any and all members of the Royal Family.' But Izzy and I wanted one just for us, to make double sure things went well.

Once they'd all signed, and we'd got the papers back, Izzy and I faced them again.

"As you are all aware," I started, "We both have secret identities." I took a deep breath, "And you actually know who we really are. Who we grew up as. You've met us."

"What do you mean?" Nicola asked, confused, "Are you telling us that we know who you are without all the stuff you do to hide yourselves from the world?"

"That's exactly what we're telling you." Izzy said calmly, "Now think, who's not here today?"

"Oh my god." Andy said after a minute, "You mean, you're really?" She trailed off, seemingly unable to talk.

I reached up, and grabbed the band that wrapped around my head for the wig. I slowly slipped my fingers under it, and took it off, revealing why it was sitting sort of funny on my head, since I had my hair done up in my normal style.

"Oh. My. God." Nicola breathed, "Tara."

"Hang on, what?" Meg asked, getting up, "You're the Princesses?"

"We are." Izzy said, standing up next to me, letting them see it now there wasn't a wig on me.

"But, you never said anything, or let anything slip, or nothing!" Meg said, "How?"

Izzy and I laughed, "It wasn't easy." I admitted, "But if we want any chance at a semi-normal life, we have to. I've almost told you all so many times, but I was scared to. Izzy respected that decision, and didn't tell you either."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Nicola demanded, crossing her arms, "I thought we were your friends!"

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you." I said, watching as Izzy pulled her wig off and sat down again. I sat down next to her, and looked at Nicola, who was watching me expectantly.

"Well?" She asked, waving her hand, waiting for me, "Why didn't you?"

"Because we didn't want to put you in danger." I admitted, "It's a dangerous world out there for us. There are people who want to kill us, to take the Royal line down. We don't know if they will strike, but we wanted to keep you safe in case they did. And look at what happened at school, one person did try to kill us. They even got the right room!" I said, desperately trying to get them to see my point of view, "It was just lucky he was insane, and we could get out of there!"

"Do you have body guards or something?" Andy asked, eyes alight with excitement, "Because that would be really cool!"

"Are you kidding?" Nicola asked, looking at her, "If she has body guards, that means there really is a danger, and I don't fancy getting hurt!"

"We do actually, two each." Izzy said, looking at Nicola, "And they guard all of us, but mostly Tara and I."

"Well, who are they?" She demanded, looking between Izzy and I. I didn't think she was taking this too well, and was glad that we had got every one to sign something before telling them!

"Luke, Hazel, Lucy and Jake." I said calmly, glancing over at them. It's the only reason they started school at the beginning of last year with us. We'd just found out who we really were, and then it was decided that once the rest of the world knew who we were, we'd need guards, just in case, so they got us some our own age. They still need more training, we all do, but it's working for now. Our adult bodyguards blend more into the back ground. I think we have five between us?" I asked Izzy, who nodded.

"Are you serious?" Nicola asked, looking stunned. Izzy and I nodded.

After that, they barraged us with questions, and we told them everything, from being taught how to be a princess, to learning to defend ourselves, and even carrying live weapons everywhere we went. Albert looked a bit shocked at that one, but I explained that it was just because we lived outside of the place and its influence most of the time.

"Does this mean we have to become body guards too?" Meg asked, a bit confused.

"No." I laughed, "You don't have to do anything."

"Why tell us now?" Andy mused, "I would have thought after graduation or something would have been better."

"We didn't want to hide it from you guys anymore." Izzy said, "We hated trying to keep you in the dark, so we invited you here often to get you used to the surroundings, and us, and how we're supposed to live the rest of our lives, so you wouldn't freak out when we told you today."

"You've been planning this?" Katie asked, shocked, "You were going to tell us today anyway?"

"Of course, we were." I said, confused, "Why?"

"Because, because you never even hinted!" She burst out, "You kept us all in the dark for months!"

"That was the general idea." I said, looking at her, "If we could fool all of you, then we knew we could fool the rest of the world. You're the people who know us best in the world. If you couldn't figure it out, then who else would?" I asked.

"Very good point." Albert mused, "I never really looked at it like that."

"Explains why you've never had a secret girlfriend then." Izzy quipped, "The world is your best friend, and you can't fool them."

"Don't bring my love life into this." He pointed a finger at her, frowning, "Or lack thereof."

"What?" I asked, confused. He was supposed to be dating Katie.

"Don't ask." He muttered, and stalked out.

I looked at Katie, who shook her head slightly. I needed to talk to her about this!

After a few more questions, it was time for them to go. Mr Nelson was going to escort them all back, and Izzy and I were going to follow in an hour or so, and sneak back into our room, pretending we had been there all day.

"That went better than I expected." I remarked to Izzy as I put my wig back on, "What do you think?"

"It went alright." She said absently, looking out the window. "I wonder what's up with Albert and Katie?"

"No idea." I said promptly, "If you ask me, it was about that outburst in the hallway earlier, and probably about the fact we're leaving in a week. If he meant it to be serious, he would have already said. He probably broke up with her. If he did, I'm going to kill him." I muttered.

Izzy laughed, "I doubt Steve would let you get away with that." She pointed out.

"One can dream." I said airily, opening the door and leaving the room, Izzy following closely behind me. 

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