41 - Happy Birthday To Me

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HI : )


Yoongi's parents died when Yoongi was around 5 years old so he doesn't have that mych memories of them.memories that may be a couple or two but will always be gold and memorable into Yoongi's heart.

After his parent's died he was taken by his grandmother who loved Yoongi so much. Everything was fine until his grandmother also died. His favorite memory of her was on his birthdays, a simple cake and a song was always enough for him. His grandmother died when he was 18 years old. He was legal enough to take care of himself.

Yoongi was now 25 years old, after his grandma had died he lost the motivation to do anything, Especially on his birthday. But the thought of him and his grandma blowing candles glowed inside him ang showed him he shouldn't give up. So every single birthday a cupcake with one candle was always evident. The first birthdays was tough but somehow Yoongi got used to being alone at his birthday. Spending his birthday by himself.

It was exactly months before his birthday when he met Jungkook. He met Jungkook in a cafe when he was buying coffee. Til then, He and Yoongi became close and does all the things together. After learning Yoongi's story, Jungkook promised to always do everything with Yoongi and not let him be alone even for a minute.

Saying Yoongi was happy was an understatement. He was feeling more than it. His birthday was coming and he thought that now that Jungkook was now here he wouldn't be alone. He was excited to finally celebrate his birthday with someone he loves not just himself.

Lately, Jungkook was busy as ever. A lot of paper works was needed to be signed. Jungkook was the CEO of a company but he always makes sure to have time for Yoongi so he never really thought of any thoughts about that he just lets Jungkook do what he was gonna do.

Tomorrow was Yoongi's birthday. Yoongi was never excited to have his birthday but now that he have Jungkook with him he was finally happy and excited.

Yoongi woke up with Jungkook fixing his tie with a smile plastered in his face. Yoongi hugged Jungkook's back and smiled "hmm? You're already awake. " Yoongi only nodded at Jungkook's words. " So? Do you wanna go out on a date later? " Yoongi's eyes full of hope as he asked that question. Jungkook frowned " sorry love, i can't too much paperwork. I'm sorry i swear i'll make it up to you mkay? " Jungkook says as he kissed Yoongi's forehead. Yoongi was beyond confuse. Did Jungkook forgot? Yoongi was hesitant with Jungkook forgetting his birthday but as soon as Jungkook left without bidding him Happy Birthday there he found. He did forgot.

Yoongi was feeling sad as ever. The feeling, the void he used to feel was back in his chest. He never gave up on Jungkook so he was on his way to Jungkook's office. Maybe he already remembered.

As Yoongi arrived in his office he was faced with a tired looking Jungkook while scanning and signing paper works. Jungkook broke his working trance and smiled at Yoongi. " hi love, what are you doing here? " Yoongi smiled " nothing just visiting. Maybe you'd be done early but i guess i'm wrong? " Jungkook looked down and hugged Yoongi tighter. " It's okay. Next time then? " Yoongi says holding Jungkook's cheeks and squishing it.

Yoongi frowned at the thought that Jungkook did forgot about his birthday. " well then, i just checked on you i'll take my leave now. Don't want to further bother you. " Yoongi says smiling weekly and walking to the exit door when Jungkook called him " oh! Yoongi almost forgot. " Yoongi's eyes was once again full of hope that maybe Jungkook did remembered how could he not? " i may not be going home early later maybe in the morning or not so i want you to eat dinner and sleep. Don't wait for me okay? " Jungkook kissed Yoongi's forehead once more in which Yoongi just returned with a weak smile. Yoongi slowly left with his feelings jumbled up with dissapointment, sadness, and hurt. He did forgot. But it's fine, he seems busy maybe that's why he forgot.

Yoongi was now on the way home not forgetting to walk to the bakery to get a cupcake. Just like old times hmm? Yoongi smiled. It's fine. Yoongi repeated over and over again trying to convince himself.

Yoongi was now home with a heavy heart. He didn't have the appetite to eat dinner so he just pulled out the cupcake and the candle and layed it gently in the kitchen counter. Lighting up the candle looking at it he felt his heart hurt but soon was changed to the feeling he had always been feeling. Nothing.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Yoongi,
Happy birthday to you.

after singing to himself. Yoongi blew the candle and the tears fell he quickly wiped it away and once again whispered happy birthday 26th birthday Yoongi.

Yoongi soon felt tired and just wanted to sleep so he left the cupcake in the counter and went to bed. Slowly letting out the tears that had been built up inside him.
Why does it still hurt so much?

( this happened after Yoongi left Jungkook's office )

After Yoongi left Jungkook sighed why does he look so sad?
Jungkook shrugged it off and decided to finish his work so rhat he could go home to his Yoongi.

A couple of hours had passes it was now 9 in the evening and all Jungkook wanted was to go home but he can't. He was almost done when he noticed one of the dates in the paper was wrong. what day is it today? Why is this wrong. He looked in his calendar March 9th.
Seeing that 2 words made Jungkook halt and realized something. It was the 9th of march! It was Yoongi's birthday.
Jungkook felt stupid how coould he forgot his Baby's birthday? He hurried in fixing his things not carring if his papers was not done all that matters was Yoongi. That's why he looked so upset earlier. Jungkook had gone to the baker first to get a cake. He promised to spend time with Yoongi tomorrow and make up for his mistake. Hopefully the cake would be somehown enough for a moment.

Jungkook now arrived in their home. He quickly went to the kitchen and saw a cupcake with one cadle in it. Jungkook's heart broke. He then ran to their bedroom, there he sees Yoongi sleeping soundly, cheeks red probably from crying. Jungkook held Yoongi's face like it was a delicate flower. His heart was now shattered into millions of pieces.

Yoongi woke up with Jungkook's
Hand stroking his face. He was startled. He thought Jungkook was coming home late. Yoongi sat up from the bed eyes was swollen but he tried to hide it. " kook? I thought you would be coming home late? Are your papers done? You hungry? Stay. I'll hit up the food. " Jungkook was now more than dissapointed with himself. He made a mistake and Yoongi was still taking care of him. He really don't deserve this beauty.

Yoongi was about to get off the bed when Jungkook stopped him " no. I'm not hungry. I'm sorry " Jungkook says looking into Yoongu's eyes sadness was evident in his eyes. " what? Sorry for what? " Yoongi asked confused. " i forgot your birthday. Baby i'm sorry. " Yoongi smiled " kook. It's fine really. I'm used to celebrating alone. And you have lots of work so it's not your fault okay? " Yoongi says while cupping Jungkook's face. " no no no. That is not something you should get used to. I swear i'll make it up to you okay? I'm sorry " Jungkook's voice full of regret and Yoongi's heart hurt. " look it's really okay. I'm not mad. Like you said, you'll make it up to me. I'm fine with that. So please smile? " Jungkook smiled. " I'm sorry again Yoongi. " " it's fine kook. Stop saying sorry . " Yoongi says " You'll make it up to me tomorrow yeah? Let's go to sleep." Yoongi then held Jungkook thight in his arms and both cuddled up in the bed. " i love you yoongi-ah " Jungkook says hugging Yoongi tighter " i love you too kook. Not get some rest. " Yoongi smiled this time it was real. This birthday may started on a bad note. I'm glad you're here now and your remembered. I can't wait for tomorrow.

1425 words ( im shook )
I don't normally ask for feedbacks but this one is the longest one shot i have ever done. So i was wondering what do you think?
I hope you like this one : 3
Xoxo < 3

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