Chapter 9

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Santana's POV
We only had month left being here and to be honest I can't wait to go back home now don't get me wrong I love spending time with my friends but I just wanna see Brittany we been talking on the phone every night now and it's been great we FaceTime here and there but it's not the same I wanna see her in person.

I told her that Sam and I broke up that he understood how I felt about her and she was shocked but also happy so now she's waiting for me to come back home so we could talk bout us and see if we wanna take the next step. I haven't told the others about my feelings towards Brit the only people that know so far is Rachel,Finn, and Sam. I need to talk to Rachel and Finn and get there advice.

I walked up to up to their door and knocked and I heard someone groaned mostly likely it was Finn cause I heard Rach giggle.

"Who is it?" Rach asked

"It's me San" I said through the door

I heard someone get up and open the door and it was Finn he looked upset I guess interrupted something cause he had a couple of hickeys on his neck.

"Come in" he said and led me in I sat down on the chair they have by the bed

"So what's up Santana?" Rachel asked with a smile

I saw she had a couple of hickeys too and I started to laugh a little her and Finn looked at me weird.

"What's so funny?" Finn asked

"Sorry but next time you let someone in cover up those hickeys" I said laughing

"Finn I told you no hickeys" Rachel hit Finn's arm

"Sorry" he said and started to turn red

"Okay anyways I came to talk to you guys about something serious" I said

"Okay what is it?" They asked

"So far the only people that know about my feelings for Brittany are you guys and Sam of course but I was wondering you think I should tell the others?" I asked curious

"Will depends do you wanna tell them?" Rachel asked

"Yeah I do but I'm scared that they might judge well other then Kurt and Blaine" I said

"Then yeah you should and don't be scared we're right here for you" Finn said with a smile

"When do you wanna tell them?" Rach asked

"I wanna them today" I said feeling confident

"Okay we'll be here for you don't worry" Rachel said with a smile

"Are you going to tell your parents too when we get back?" Finn asked

"Crap I complete forgot about them but yeah I will" I said getting nervous

"If it doesn't go good you could complete move in with me you know my dads love you" Rach said

"Thanks" I said with a smile
I got up from the chair and hugged them.

"I'm going to call Brittany I'll leave you two love birds alone now" I said with a smirk

"Tell her I said Hi" Rachel said and I closed the door

I went back to my room and called Brittany the phone rang and on the second ring she answered.

"Hi my lady unicorn" Brit said I got a smile on my face when she said that

"Hey Brit" I said happy

"What's up" she said

"Oh nothing I just came from talking with Finn and Berry" I said

"That's good but about what?" She sounded confused

"About telling the other about us" I said

"Oh so?" she said

"I'm going to tell them today how I feel about you and I don't care what they say Brit I love you and I wanna be with you" I said with a smile

"Aww they'll understand love is love and I love you too San" she said

"Also I'm going to tell my parents when I get back too" I said

"About that I told my parents" she said
I was nervous

"What they say?" I asked worried

"They said as long as I'm happy it doesn't matter who I'm with they'll support my relationship no matter what boy or girl" she said and I felt relieved

"I'm glad to hear that Brit" I said

"Okay well I have to go but we'll talk later" she said

"Yeah that's fine I love you Brit" I said

"I love you too my lady unicorn" she said and we clicked

I'm happy Brits parents accept us even thought we're not official yet but still. I went downstairs and almost everybody was there I guess this was a perfect chance to tell the others. I sat down and then Finn and Rachel came downstairs perfect timing and they sat down.

I got up and paused the movie we were watching.

"I have something to say" I said before they said anything

"Okay what is it Santana?" Kurt asked

"As you know Sam and I are no longer together there's a reason behind that" I said

"Why are you telling us now?" Puck asked

"Let her talk" Sam said and smiled at me to continue

"The reason why Sam and I broke up was because I didn't love him the way I love someone else and I've been in love with them for a long time and beside Sam likes Mercedes" I said

"So who's that someone else?" Quinn asked

"It's Brittany I love her and yes that means I'm a lesbian now you could choose to judge I don't care but that won't change the fact that I love her and I wanna be with her" I said

Everybody just stood quiet until Kurt said something.

"Santana I don't judge and I'm happy you came out" he said and got up and hugged me

"Love is love and we play the same time" Blaine said and hugged me too

"I'm proud of you" Sam said with a smile

"Santana that took a lot of courage and if you love her then I'm nobody to judge that and Blaine's right love is love no matter if it's with a boy or girl as long as you're happy" Quinn said and hugged me

"That's awesome I made out with a lesbian but no seriously that's cool you opened up to us" Puck said and hugged me too

"Wait why aren't you guys saying anything?" Kurt asked Finn and Rachel

"Cause we knew way before you guys" Finn said with a smile

After that I I paused the movie and we continue to watch the whole night we were just having a great time I'm happy they didn't judge me and they support who I love I'm just scared to tell my parents and my abuela especially my abuela she means everything to me she partially raised me but I just need to hope for the best.

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