K1-B0 x (OC/ author chan!) reader

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{you can't rush real love}

Soulmate AU:you cannot feel emotions other than anger, sadness, numbness and despair.
(Junko .E: did somebody call for the ultimate DESPAIIR?
Author .c: no. )
After locking eyes your soulmate, you feel uplifted and a glitter unlike any other appears around them. Only you can see it.

Happy (late) birthday kiibo! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME SINCE NOT EVEN BY BEST FRIND HAS CALLED ME YET. ANYWAY...I drew the picture (yes I did trace a bit from danplan) but honestly kiibo is (WARNING: BIAS OPINION INCOMING) on the same cinnamon roll level as Gonta, Chiaki and Chihiro if not higher. Anyway, on with the story!

Riko PoV

I wake up with a surprisingly optimistic attitude, which isn't normal for a girl like me. You see, I haven't found my soulmate yet. The glimmer of hope I had inside of me exploded once I tried (and failed) to smile. 

I made myself look presentable and all of a sudden I felt really annoyed. I knew why.

For centuries, people have waited and waited to find their soulmate. However, not everyone is happy to find theirs. Up until the age of 12, I had hope, and starred at anyone I saw. Sadly, none of them were my soulmate. What's worse was that I looked so many people in the eyes, I scarred my own. Now I can only see in black and white.


'I'm sorry, she really is colour blind.'
'Oh doctor! Isn't there anything we can do?!'
'Well... she'll have to wear these until the damage heals up. Until then, she can't look anyone in the eyes or else this could be permanent.'
'Mommy what does that mean?'
I know exactly what it means. Just tell me my Hope hadn't caused something so bad...
'It means you can't see the colours for a bit... just don't look anyone in the eyes and wear these pretty glasses the doctor gave you!'
'Oh...okay mummy. I can do that.'

I enter class with the new glasses my mom got me and immediately, they're nocked off by kokichi.
'Kokichi please don't do that! It hurts my eyes!'
'That's obviously a lie, I can tell because I'm a liar!'
I just try walk away, but I'm stopped in my tracks by kokichi placing a firm grip onto my arm.
'Not so fast! I want to really see what's happening with your eyes, so look at me!'
'I can't! The doctor said it would hurt!'

Then surprisingly, the most silent thing in our class, a robot boy called K1-B0 or kiibo, spoke up. I never really spoke to him so I had no clue why he did this.
'Kokichi please stop she might be telling the truth! If so we need to assist her!'

~end flashback~

It's been 10 years since that day, and I still haven't thanked him. Not out of hate or spite, he just left midday and didn't return. I was sad but I had to move on.

I grab my normal clothes and my bag then leave the house.

Entering my class was strange since everyone seemed either on edge, confused or really excited. Miss Danis announced a new student, making sure to note that he isn't like us and we should all welcome him warmly.

Then kiibo walked in. I knew it was him, even though he looks much older. He still had his old colour pallet. his spiky white hair and his warm blue eyes stood out on his pale face and metal suit. I couldn't believe it, but I think I had fallen for him a long time ago. He caught me starring and smiled, but then his jaw dropped. I felt my face and even looked behind me, but when I took off my glasses, I saw what surprised him so much. An explosion of colour appeared around him and I smiled a bright smile and ran up to him, embracing him tightly. There were woops and cheers as they realised what had happened, as well as miss Danis telling us to take it outside.

Now I know the truth,

You can't rush real love

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