Chapter Six

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The city was destroyed. But as I looked down on it, I knew there had to be people alive. It was a big city containing at least 300,000 people, if you told me they were all dead, duh, that's unrealistic.

I looked over to the East to see our neighboring city. It was too far away to see anything really, but a part of me wondered if it had been attacked as well.

We made camp there for the night overlooking the wilderness. And as it got darker, I continued to look over both cities hoping to see some sort of light, but none showed.
I guess the city next to us had been attacked as well.

"What do we do now?" I asked as we sat around the camp fire.

"I'm not sure," Te'an said thinking, while staring into the mesmerizing flames.

We sat there for a while, not really saying anything. But I suddenly felt the urge to relieve my bowels. Of course, every time I went to relieve myself, I had to announce it to everyone, cause I didn't want one of the boys to stumble upon me unexpectedly.

So after telling everyone, I headed off into the woods. It was always scary to me going off by myself, no one knew what was lurking, and I definitely didn't want to get caught by anything. But I continually just had to tell myself to stop being a wuss.

I was almost back to Camp, when I heard one of the guys say my name. I was still hidden behind the dark trees. They couldn't see me, but I could see them. I wanted to hear what they were saying about me.

"I know, I sound like a jerk. But think of this realistically. You know she can't keep going with us forever," Skylar said.

"Duh, we're not gonna just leave her in the forest," Te'an said.

"Why not? She's holding us all up anyway. Her leg is badly wounded. She can barely even walk, I'm surprised she made it up the steep climb we had today. And with how much Te'an had to help her, Aren't you exhausted from all that?" Skylar looked mad, almost like he hated my guts.

"I don't care that I had to help her all the way up here! I'll gladly help her all the way back down too, if she needs it," Te'an said defending me.

"I don't have a problem with her either," Luke said putting in his two cents.

"It's gonna take us twice as long to get back to the city," Skylar said begrudgingly.

"That's just wrong," Luke frowned, "Kiara has been so sweet and caring towards all of us, I can't believe you'd just want to leave her here all by herself."

"I'm sorry, but we're not gonna do that," Te'an said outright. Luke nodded in agreement.

I was glad that they didn't all feel the same way. But what did I do to make Skylar not like me, or want me around? I wish I could change the fact that I couldn't walk very well, but I couldn't. I almost didn't want to go back to camp now. I felt sick to my stomach because of the things I had just heard. All that I wanted now was to climb in my bed and cry.

Unfortunately, I no longer had a comfy bed to snuggle up in. Only the cold hard ground and a blanket.

Skylar was upset.

"Maybe you should be the one we leave behind," Te'an came back.

"Me? You guys wouldn't be able to survive without me. I'm the strongest one here, and both of you know that, even my stats say I'm the strongest," Skylar was very mad and now was starting to loose his temper.

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