Chapter 1

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Swimmers; check. Thongs; check. Sun hat; check. I thought in my head as I crossed off the things I packed into my suitcase but I was still forgetting something which I hadn't put on my list. I racked my mind for a few minutes, looking around my room to see if it sparked anything when my eyes landed on my Polaroid camera sitting on my shelf above my desk. That's it! I jumped up and grabbed it, along with a new pack of film for it. I already had my SLR in my carry on bag but I wouldn't be able to use my Polaroid until later on in the journey. You are probably wondering what I'm packing for, am I right? Well my family and I along with my best friend as well as her family are going on a cruise tomorrow for a few weeks to Honolulu in Hawaii where we'll stay for a few days before flying back home to Sydney. The time has finally come around after an entire year of counting down the days impatiently, now it's only hours away before we embark on the best holiday I've ever had in my eighteen years.

"Laura, have you got everything packed yet? My mum asked, sticking her head into my room.

"Nearly, just a few more things to pack and I'll be done" I replied, walking back over to my suitcase on my bed with my Polaroid.

"Okay, bring it downstairs once you're done then off to bed darling, we got an early start in the morning" she said excitedly and I turned around to see her standing in my doorway.

"Yep sure, goodnight, love you" I smiled and blew her a kiss like I always do. She blew one back, saying goodnight and that she loved me too before walking down the hallway to my parents room.

I placed my Polaroid in amongst my clothes along with the extra film. Once I did that I grabbed my toiletry bag, putting that in before closing it and zipping it up. Done at last, I thought. I pulled it off my bed onto the floor and wheeled it out to the stairs before carrying it down to the bottom. I raced back upstairs, quickly finishing off chucking a few more things into my carry on bag that I needed. As soon as I finished that I brushed my teeth and hopped into bed, the only thing on my mind was the cruise.

~ *~

"Ellie!" I exclaimed when I saw my best friend lining up to put her luggage into a big metal crate. I walked as fast as I could with my own suitcase and bags up to her so I could give her a hug.

"Laura!" She replied excitedly and she embraced me in a big hug.

"I'm so excited to get on this cruise, it's going to be so much fun!" I said once I pulled away from the hug, grinning madly.

"I know, I can't believe we get to go to Hawaii and Bora Bora as well as all these other islands" she grinned back as we moved up in the line a bit more.

"Bora Bora is going to be incredible, ever since I can remember I've always wanted to go there" I said just as we got to the front of the line and a man took Ellie's suitcase, then mine.

"Yeah, I wonder if we'll meet any cute guys" Ellie pondered as we walked back over to our families who were about to go over to line up to get on board the ship.

"Oh I hope so, that would make it even better" I said and suddenly some idiot of a guy ran into my side causing me to be pushed into Ellie a bit but he kept on running without even saying sorry.

"Dickhead!" I turned around and shouted, but the tall skinny guy kept on running. I didn't see his face but he was wearing a maroon SnapBack and black skinny jeans. Who the hell wears jeans in the middle of summer, obviously idiots who run into people who don't say sorry.

"You alright girl?" Ellie asked concerned and I nodded.

"Yeah, like I said he's a dickhead. Lets hope he's not going to be on the cruise because there's no way in hell I want to run into him again" I said in annoyance, Ellie agreeing with me as we made it over to our parents and our brothers. We both had younger brothers the same age just like Ellie and I, they were sixteen though and also best mates. All four of us grew up together, always at each others houses or our families going away on holidays together so in a way we were all like brothers and sisters to one another.

Cruising With Chase ~ A Mitchel Cave FanficWhere stories live. Discover now