Thank you

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This isn't a One shot but I hope you guys read this, this year's been hard for me so I'm listening some of the things that have made it all better for me and some of the people who have helped me with everything that's happened.

1.around the start of the summer I found Kollok 1991, it actually helped me cope a lot, it's been a show that has lightened me up every time I listen or watch it, Kollok has also been a way where I can talk and meet people like myself who enjoy the show.

2. My mums friend had her second daughter in the summer, she is a absolute sweetheart and makes me happy whenever I see her, I was having one of the hardest days today and I saw her today and her cute baby smile makes me happy.

3. MIBBY (that's it, that's what makes me happy, Mibby)

4. Season 3 of stranger things.

5. Gingerbread, I love gingerbread.

6. I haven't really talked about this but I'm autistic, I was talking to my speech therapist and she asked me if I had any ideas for a group for girls with autism, I told her that I've been wanting to play D&D, so now I'm going to DM a D&D and or Kids on bikes campaign.

7. Beetlejuice the musical is a thing, which makes me happy.

8. I went to a concert with my parents, the beginning act was a girl who sung about how gender stereotypes are fucked up, her name is Grace Petrie and the song I'm talking about is called Black tie, please go listen to her music.

9. My cousin and I are going to cosplay Billy and Mickey together, I'm very excited to cosplay our beloved coma boy, my older cousin is literally Mickey, I would put a photo up of her but I respect her privacy, she's black haired, blue eyed, and a lot taller than me.

10. I discovered Dark&Dicey and D&D&D, they're two of my favourite shows and they make me laugh all the time.

11. Tibby trying not to offend Mickey but still calling her a horse.

Some people I genuinely love and adore.

StormOrSkyBreakDown , you are one of my best friends, you inspire me to do so much more than I feel like I can, you've given me strength that I never thought I've had, you're honest excitement for my books makes me want to get it out faster so you can read it and be proud of me,you make me laugh, smile and I love you more than anything.

ToriWest4 , where do I fucking start? I can have some of the most deep conversations with you, you always lighten up my mood, be it dumb sex jokes or just being a good person, you make everything easier to me, I can talk about whatever I need to with you, thank you.

TRBL247 , considering that fact that I haven't known you for that long, you help me with ideas when I'm struggling writing, you're one of my only friends who like Grimm which means that I literally bombard you with Grimm stuff, I don't know how you put up with me.

Imgoingwellokay , you're comments on my books are some of the things that make me laugh, you are a great person, I hope you truly believe that because I do.

akabanekarma034 , you help me come up with so many awesome one shots, I ever need to worry about running out of ideas because I can always come to you, you inspire me to get out more one shots and to write, you seem to genuinely like my own work that I'm planning on making and that's something I adore about you.

I also want to say thank you to everyone reading this, you all inspire me to write daily, I've always found it hard to write but you guys inspire me so much, thank you all.

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