act XXIX

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He stood on the monster's palm, alert, on guard.

Instead of his usual dark cloak, he had a jet black hood with a striking, red cape on his back. In his arm he held a large sword, far more large than Techno's. Over his face were a pair of shades where pixels starred around in an animation.

"You claimed to be my friend. Yet, once I go, you forget about me just like that?"

His voice was emotionless, cold. Nothing I ever once heard, or expected to hear from my muffin-loving friend.

"Bad.." I choked out, barely. I was speechless from this.

Why would he do this?
Was it him doing this?

"Silence." he boomed out, his eyes emitting flames from behind the shades. I never thought I'd be fearful of one of my best friends; but here I was.

"I'm so sick of being forgotten, being the second choice. I've had time in our ruler's castle, & I've decided. It is rightful of his status, of it's throne. It is right for our world, bringing more & more power everyday. I don't know how I never saw it before!" he started to giggle manically. "Along with that, it & I came to an agreement."

I started up at the monster. It stared back at me, menacingly. It knew fucking exactly what is was doing, & how wrong this all was.
Ruler my ass.

Bad interrupted my thoughts, with words I'd never thought would come out of his mouth.
"It's about time you died."

All in a flash he flew up off the monster's arms.
Large, dark angel wings sprouted out, the tips blazing with red, crackling flames. A ring hung above his head, like an angel halo. But, instead of it being angelic, it shared the same red flames as the wing tips.

It was gorgeous. Gorgeous, but deadly.
I'm so fucking sick of those things.

The demon that was supposed to be my friend raised his sword vertically, above his head, slamming down.
It sent a wave of spikes directly at us, full speed.

Both Techno & I dodged out of the way, glancing at each other.
Neither of us were prepared for this in the least.

I picked myself up, grabbing my bow in my left hand, my sword in the other.

Techno was upright aswell, clutching a firm grip on his weapons.
The both of us stared at the man that was now coming at us, in shock.

"SPREAD OUT!" I yelled, starting a run.

I couldn't check if Techno had done what I said, but I assumed so since bad was chasing after me.
I knew that I couldn't keep running, I'd have to act sometimes soon. He was much faster than me, able to use his wings as a boost.

Sharply & quickly I turned around, cutting the man off guard. It didn't last long before he lunged at me, swinging his dangerous sword.
I dodged to the left, firing an arrow to his arm.

He dodged aswell, trying to get a hit on my right side.
I swooped out of the way, grabbing one of his wrists.

Techno dashed over, grabbing his other wrist.
Bad's sword fell to the ground, creating a clink sound. The two of us pinned the dark angel to the ground, his heavy breath the only audible thing at the moment.

"Well, that was easy," I huffed.

He looked up at us, through the shades I could see the red flames flaring from the edges of his eyes. Bloodshot red, his true self completely unaware of what was happening.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now