act XXVI

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Again, our day was filled with training & action.

Skeppy was seeming to recover quicker than we believed he would of. Dream made him some kind of tea with herbs & using his power, as he had healing ones.

Mx, Techno & I sat down again, discussing our options.

"I feel bad to make him more sick," I exclaimed, legs crossed with Mx in my lap. "But it may be our only option."

"You have 3 more days, he'll be recovered by then." it deadpanned, playing with one of my shoelaces, clearly bored of not being the one in current control.

"How are we going to fight him?" Techno asked, causing the glitching mess to sit back up bright on my knee.

"He will summon people to come get you. We may as well travel closer to there, but we don't have the time. You must spend your time training, preparing. I yet still have much to teach the both of you, things like healing, using potions & such."

"So this really is Minecraft, huh." Techno rested his chin on his hand, where his arm was rested on his knee.

"Shut up, boomer." I look over to him smirking as he just shook his head, trying to hold back a smile.

"Grow up, the both of you." Mx shook its head as well, this time in disapproval.

"Anyways, so.. people are just going to like, take us to his castle place? Battle arena?"

"Maybe but, things can be different this time. This time, things are far more difficult for them than usual. There are 2 of you, & again.. you are going to be farly more trained than the last."

I felt a small twinge of excitement & hope, for the first time in a long while.
"I'm excited."

- - - - - - - - - -

It'd only been about 2 days since Mx came to train the both of us. Already, we were preform trickshots like 180°s, 360°s, jumping down from high distances to hit an enemy with our bow. Seeing Techno preform these were insane, & he thought same of when I would.



Mx called out to Techno, the tall male jumping off a ledge with his bow, waiting for Mx's call.
"360!" it called out.

Techno did a quick turn in the air, making him lose focus of his target. As her turned back to his original position, he quickly focused back & shot it down, landing perfectly, brushing his hands off as if there was dirt on it.

"Good work, your turn, A6d."

I nodded.
This was our current routine. Us taking turns jumping off a ledge, waiting for Mx's calls & preforming said trick in a matter of seconds. He said the calling after we jumped type think was so we'd have an idea what to do in an urgent situation, along with it insanely proving our aim.

I pulled myself up to the ledge, waiting for his calls.
He usually took a few minutes, making sure everything is ok to land & such. Understandable, yet annoying as I wasn't the most patient person ever.

I tried not to get lost in thoughts, failing quickly.
When I was in the 'real' world, I wasn't very much of a dreamer. Sure, I'd do the occasional space out kind of thing when I'm bored, but not too often. Ever since I was brought to Fallen, I haven't been able to focus properly, even when I am not bored in the least.

I heard Mx shout, signaling for my jump.

I tightened my grip on my bow, going into position & jumping, waiting for his call.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now