Chapter 5

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It was the last class of the day and I felt dead. I walked with Yoongi and Namjoon to the last class. I looked over Namjoon's shoulder to see what he was doing. He was on Facebook looking for his holiday crush. I couldn't see it clearly because this long bitch was a giant. I was too curious to leave it alone. I bet he was looking for the girl. An idea popped into my head and I decided to follow it. I tapped on his shoulder on the other side, which made him look that way. I saw the open spot and I yanked his phone out of his hand.

"Yuna!" he looked at me with big eyes. I tried to look at it but from my eye corner, I could see the giant running towards me.

"Yuna give it back!" I laughed and ran away with him after me, leaving Yoongi unbothered behind us.

"Kids." He mumbled under his breath.

"Yuna please give it back." Namjoon almost begged. But that was making me more curious. I was at the top of the stairs while he was standing at the bottom of the stairs. We were both out of breath and we both made this excuse for catching some breath.

"What are you hiding Namjoon." I looked at him with my eyes half-closed. I unlocked his phone and start scrolling to his messages. This Facebook messenger was full of messages.

"Namjoon!" I laughed out loud. He looks anxious at me.

"How many girls are you texting??" I kept scrolling seeing only Italian girls he texted.

"Yuna, please let me explain." I wiped my fake tears away and kept scrolling.

"Do you also have pictures from a few girls Joon." He saw me searching for his gallery and he slowly walked up the stairs while I was distracted. When he was only 3 steps away from me, I noticed him just on time. I screamed when I saw his hand coming close and I again, ran away. I opened the door to leave the staircase and I saw Yoongi still standing there. I ran past Yoongi, letting him eat my dust and I ran to the hallway door. But before I pushed the door, someone opened it on the other side. I closed my eyes, waiting for all the pain I was going to feel. But my landing was pretty soft, I felt arms wrapped around me and I opened my eyes. He groaned from the pain and he had his eyes closed. Oh shit! Jimin was underneath me. Did he catch me, or did I just fell on him?

"Uhm, are you okay?" I asked softly. He opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes were actually really pretty. But who was I kidding? Jimin was pretty.

"Do I look okay?" He asked in pain. I tried to get up, but he was still holding me.

"Well, maybe if you let go of me, you would have less pain." He quickly let go of me and I stood up. I held my hand out so he can take it. He looked at it and slowly placed his hand into mine. I helped him get up, using both hands. Namjoon came running and grabbed his phone out of my hand. He looked confused when he saw me and Jimin holding hands. I followed his eyes and I took my hand back.

"Sorry." I said one more time.

"You have to make it up to me?" He said while pulling his clothes good.

"What are you talking about?" His bitch really thought shit. He smirked

"Listen Jimin, I said sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. So, stop making up shit and stay away from me." I swing my hair dramatically when I turned around and walked back to Yoongi and Namjoon. I could feel him smirking behind my back.

"Yuna." I looked at Yoongi who heard everything I said.

"You now that you have to sit with him, right?" I facepalmed myself. I don't want to sit next to that arrogant bitch. I picked my bag up from the ground.

"I think I will skip this class. Bye babes." Namjoon grabbed the string from my bag, keeping me from going.

"Hell, you won't." He said with a stern look.

"This is the second day of school. You can't get yourself in trouble." I sight and dropped my bag again on the ground waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Cheer up Yuna, tomorrow we have the first dance class." Yoongi said while patting my head. I was low-key excited about it, but Jimin was still annoyingly in my head.

The teacher clapped in his hands for attention

"I have an announcement." Everybody got silent and looked at him. He looked a little bit anxious at us and it made me nervous.

"It's not my announcement, so please don't get angry at me." The whole class looked at him. He almost begged the last part.

"Just tell it and stop making us nervous!" I didn't notice that I said it out loud until I saw a few people looking at me. oops.

"I will pretend I didn't hear that." He took a deep breath.

"Tomorrow will the first dance class start, and I know that everyone in this class follows it. A few weeks ago, we got invited to join the winter competition in December." Some of us cheered, including me. Finally, something interesting.

"Okay, but now the bad news."

"Hold up, you said nothing about bad news." I said. The teacher looked angry at me with a, if-you-talk-one-more-time-I-will-kill-you, look. I shut my mouth and kept my head low. I heard Jimin chuckling.

"Eight people from this school will join. That means one group dance and four duet dances. The dance teacher will choose those eight people. But we have too many to perform solo and we don't have time for that, so we will do it in pairs and your partner will be the same as your project partner." My jaw dropped. He has to be fucking kidding me. I looked at Jimin, who was looking at me with his eyes widen. But before I could make a mean comment, he opened his mouth.

"Can you even dance." Te look he gave me wanted me to get in a bitch fight with him.



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