Cosmo's Short-lived Fame

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Cosmo felt that if his dancing was good he should perform it at the Dimmadome. Which as exactly what he did,
Timmy, Chloe and Juandissimo dressed as Bodyguards while Cosmo dressed as a genderbent version of Lady gaga and the four of them entered the building. "Make way!" "Make way!" Timmy barked, Chloe announced "The one and only Cosmo Cosma!"
Cosmo went on stage to dance the Lady Gaga "Venus" song.
But all hope was lost as he realized his fame was not meant to last.
"Where are my fans?" Cosmo pondered as he left the stage feeling miserable.
"Is it because I'm not famous anymore that's why my fans aren't around?" Timmy and Chloe reassured him that wasn't the case and he felt better after the talk. The three of them went home while Juandissimo poofed back to Fairy World.

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