Lesson learnt

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Chloe said goodnight to Timmy and Cosmo and she went to back to the Carmichael house.
Back at the Turner house, Cosmo contacted Wanda on his Wand and told her the fascinating day he had with his God-children and his former rival turned ally Juandissimo.
"I learnt my lesson, Fame is rewarding but Fame can make you into something you're not." Cosmo reported. After reporting his day to his wife Wanda, he showed her the dance moves of Lady gaga Venus. Wanda loved it in that her husband may be idiot but she loved him despite all that. Wanda laughed at the dances he made it made the fishbowl crack and woke Chloe in her house and Timmy in his bedroom. "Can you keep it down?"
"All of us are trying to sleep in peace." Chloe added while Timmy nodded in agreement to his last words.
Cosmo apologises to his God-kids and said Goodnight and Goodbye to Wanda after the chat. He too poofed himself to sleep.

The End.

Cosmo the Dancing KingWhere stories live. Discover now