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"She call me: Ol' Dirty Bastard"

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"She call me: Ol' Dirty Bastard"

July 13th, 1992

3:29 pm

Selah couldn't help but think about Ason. He popped up everywhere in her mind, and she'd see him at certain places. The park, the corner store, or walking in general. It's like she couldn't go a day without seeing him.

It bothered her.

From his sly winks and jokes. He was different, it's like he actually could be himself around her.

Everyone treated her like she had some type of contagious disease, like she wasn't human too. Ason didn't, he talked to her normally, brightening her dull expressions.

"Do you hear me? Selah?" Selah's mother raised her eyebrow, she was becoming tired of taking care of her and dealing with her daughters bullshit, why couldn't she just be normal?

"Why did you throw away your pills?"

"I don't need them, they make me feel weird—" that was the truth, it made her extremely thirsty and hungry. She felt as if she couldn't feel anything, like the things she wanted to react to, she couldn't.

Her mother dumped out countless medicines that Selah hid inside of her bed. Carbatrol, Epitol, Haldol, Risperdal, you name it. 

"You need to take them Selah—" Selah's mother continued her speech. Selah just sat there, everything going in one ear and going out of the other. Slowly getting irritated, her mom's voice gave her headaches. She was delusional if she thought that would encourage her to take her damn medicine.

Selah glared at her younger sister who silently laughed at her. Unique couldn't keep her mouth shut, if anything, she probably told Selah's mother that she wasn't taking them.

"Frankly, I couldn't give a fuck," Selah narrowed her eyes, interrupting her mother's speech. She'd rather be painting some random shit in the dark. 

"Excuse me—"

"You're annoying me," Selah slung her mini backpack, standing up. And walking towards the door, her mother just sat there, unaware of what to say. The funny thing is, that wasn't even Selah's mother, Selah didn't know her real mom.

Nor did she care to find out.

"Don't talk to momma' like that," Unique stepped out causing Selah to sigh, rolling her eyes. Selah shrugged off Unique, slamming the door and walking outside on the pavement.

The air was different, it lacked the smoke from weed or cigarettes. Ghetto $1 perfume and mint gum from girls who tried to hide the fact that they didn't brush their teeth. For once, it was quiet.

Selah's feet moved freely, not knowing where to go for the time being.

"Hey!" A familiar, rugged voice interrupted her blank thoughts, Selah innocently looked up at the black man who held a sly smile.

"What do you want?"

"Damn it's like that? Chill," he sat right next to her on the bench, "what's wrong Selah?"

Selah's heart dropped, hearing the sincerity in his voice. That's the first time someone probably truly cared about her. With the drug medication not being in her system, her mother couldn't sell some of it if she didn't take it all, they wouldn't be able to get another prescription monthly.

"Nothing, I'm fine," the coldness in her voice was evident but Ason shrugged it off, he had nothing to do but talk to the girl.

"Selah, Se-lah, Selahhhhh," he sung her name causing her to smile a little, he was saying it wrong but it still sounded adorable.

"Yes?" She smiled, seeing him smile with his flashy grillz.

"You should smile more"

"I'll consider it," Selah stood, thinking about grabbing some food from Winona's Chicken.

Her stomach growled, causing Ason to perk up. Figuring out it was his chance to take her out to eat and get to know her. Every lady likes to be fed and pampered by someone, whether it's themselves or by a nigga.

"Cmon' lets get some food"

"Is this a date?" Selah tried hiding her smile, she had read in books that when guys take girls out, it would be considered a date or meeting of some sort. Sometimes they end up in fights or the guy sleeps with the girl and then they never talk to each other.

"Something like that"


"This is so good," Selah hummed with her mouth filled with the creamy white sauce. She loved Fettuccine Alfredo and the fact that he was willing to pay for it made it all the better.

"I know, Roscoe's has the best pasta in all of New York, mark my words"

"5 stars, hands down," Selah smiled, moving a piece of hair behind her ear. She hoped she wasn't smiling like a weirdo or too much, if anything, she didn't want to come off to him as gullible.

"Tell me about you Selah," Selah shuddered at the tone of his voice, maybe it was just the cold air.

"I like painting—"

"Obviously," Ason laughed, "continue"

"That's it," Selah quietly said causing the older man to chuckle. Selah felt uncomfortable, not liking to talk about herself at all, she switched the conversation.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Not hungry," Ason gritted through his teeth, Selah shrugged it off, finishing the rest of the pasta from her plate.

"Wipe ya' mouth Lala," Ason took his thumb, leaning over the table and wiping the corners of her mouth. Selah raised her eyebrows at the nickname, unsure of where it came from, it sounded familiar.


"Sorry, you remind me of a girl that I once knew"


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