The Date

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After Mal and Addy left Carlos, Addy went to meet up with Ben.

"Hey, Ben," Addy says with a smile as she walks into his office.

"Hey, Addy," Ben says smiling at his oldest friend. "I need you to make some calls for Cotillion. I need you to make sure Mal is prepared for the Cotillion. To make sure Jane has the stain glass window ready for the reveal...." Addy zoned out as Ben starting listing things for her to do. She stared out at the Isle and wondered what she would be doing if she was there. "Addy. Addy. Addison!" Addy comes back to reality as Ben yells her name.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying," Addy says as she focuses back on Ben.

"I have all the things that I need you to do and you weren't listening to any of them. I have to go get ready for my date with Mal and I need you to take care of things," Ben explains causing Addy to remember her date with Jay.

"Oh no, I have a date with Jay," Addy says worriedly as she starts gathering her things.

"Addy, can't you cancel? I need you to do all of this," Ben says causing Addy to look at him in shock.

"Ben, are you serious right now?" Addy asks and Ben slightly nods. "I've had this date with Jay planned for a month because I'm always doing things for you. I never get to see my boyfriend because I'm either doing small things that you can do or I'm following Mal around because you don't see that she isn't doing well with everything. Plus I'm cheer Captain and my classes. I can't do this Ben."

"I'll make some of the calls," Ben says as he sees how upset Addy is.

"No, Ben. I can't be your advisor anymore," Addy says before leaving the room. Addy quickly found Mal and asked if she could help with her date.

"Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" Addy asks Jay with a smile.

"Yes, please," Jay answers with a returning smile before Addy feeds him one.

"Mmm! This is the best thing I've ever had," Jay says as he finishes it.

"So, you like it?" Addy asks him in shock things are going her way.

"I more than like it. I, uh...mmm..." Jay answers as he gets another one. "Double like it. Beef ragout?"

"Yeah," Addy says with a smile.

"This is amazing," Jay says before taking a bite of the beef ragout.

"Did I surprise you?" Addy asks.

"Oh, yeah, you surprised me," Jay answers her excitedly. "What did it take you? Three days?"

"You know, don't even ask me," Addy says with a smile before Jay feeds a hot hors d'oeuvre.

"Yeah," Jay says with a laugh before turning serious. "Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially with all the craziness Ben has put you through." Jay grabs Addy's hand. "I've missed you." Addy smiles big at him before Jay caresses her face. "We don't get much time to be just us anymore."

"I know," Addy tells him sadly before he wipes some food from her mouth. "You can't take me anywhere, right?" Jay laughs since that was what he had said on their first date.

"I believe that's my line," Jay says as they both laugh. "Do you have a... Do you have a napkin or something?"

"I do! I packed some," Addy tells him before she starts looking for the basket.

"Oh, there is..." Jay says as he sees the basket.

"I think I stowed them away," Addy says as Jay reaches into the basket. "I can grab them."

"What's this?" Jay asks as he pulls out Mal's Spell Book.

"Mal actually threw that in there super last-minute in case it rained or..." Addy tries to explain before Jay starts going through the marked pages.

" 'Power transfer' spell. 'Cooking' spell," Jay reads before closing the book and looking at Addy in shock. "And I was giving you props for doing your best."

"Take back this moment that has passed. Return it... Reverse it..." Addy tries to remember a spell to fix everything but fails.

"Are you trying to spell me right now?!" Jay exclaims as he stands up.

"Jay, it has been so hard for me!" Addy tells him.

"Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be the boyfriend of a royal easy for me?" Jay explains.

"No!" Addy says.

"I thought we were doing this together!" Jay says as he raises his voice.

"Jay, we are in this together," Addy tells him as she stands up and holds out her hand to him.

"But we're not, Addy. We're not. Y-You've been keeping secrets and lying to me," Jay argues and Addy tries to talk. "This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Addy."

"Yeah. Believe me, I know that!" Addy tells him as she starts to get angry. "You are nothing like you were when you got here."

"Then why are you doing this?" Jay asks her.

"Because... I'm not one of those prefect princesses, Jay. I'm not one of those girls that are going to dawn all over you," Addy explains to him. "I'm a big fake, okay? I'm fake." Addy then motions to the meal. "This is fake." Addy then motions to Jay. "You're fake. I mean not letting Lonnie on the team." Addy grabs the spell book before opening it to a spell. "Take this feast, this sumptuous meal, return it back to what is real." Addy moves her finger with blue sparks before the meal disappears to reveal a glass of milk and a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

"This is who I really am," Addy says as she's on the verge of crying.

"Addy," Jay tries as Addy starts to walk off.

"No. No," Addy says as she moves away from him before she keeps walking.

"Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite!" Jay yells after her causing her to run Mal's dorm.

"Here's your spell book," Addy says as she hands the book to Mal, who is about to leave on her date with Ben. "Is it okay, if I hide in your room? I had a fight with Jay." Mal nods before giving Addy a hug then leaving. Addy looks out Mal's window at the Isle as she cries. About 30 minutes later Mal is back and crying.

"I don't belong here," Mal and Addy day at the same time.

"Take me to the Isle," Addy says as she looks at Mal begging. Mal gives Addy some clothes to change into then poked holes into a box before putting Maleficent in it.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand," Mal says before they takes the bike that Ben gave her, stopping by the waters edge. Mal pulls out the spell book. "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." Mal puts the spell book away. "Okay. Whew. Please work." The bike drives across the water before taking them through the barrier. Mal drives through a lot of people making them dive out of the way before she comes to a stop. As she and Addy removes their goggles they see a posters of Mal and Ben then one of Jay and Addy. They both tear them down before wadding it up and throwing it. They then continues on to their old hideout. Mal smirks at Addy before throwing a rock at the 'danger flying rocks' sign. This opens the door to the hideout.

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