Dear diary (4)

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This chapter is about..
1. Queens are better then kings.
2. 4 readers wtf
3. Sick
4. School sucks obviously

"I will do what queens do, I will rule."

"What's a queen without her king, well historically MORE POWERFUL"

"A queen will always turn pain into power."

Sorry, gentlemen but girls are better. And if you are a guy that read this you should feel humiliated, and I'm not sorry. Either way I liked those sentences here so I thought why not share them.

Also I have seen that I have gotten like 4 readers on this story and seriously that's so weird. I nearly feel sorry for you guys to read all this shit. But you are so welcome to keep reading. And I do understand it isn't the most interesting things to read.hbfccrrnd I hit my toe fuckfjnfjrnjjnndc I'm officially dead, okay moving on......Either way who are you?! What do you do with your life? How dare you read this?!

I really like saying "how dare you?" It sounds so amazing to say it out loud.

Sick? Yeah I'm horrible sick. I seriously want to just be in my bed and eat cookies even though I won't taste it because my damn cold.
I can't even talk but I'm going to school cuz I don't want to miss any important lessons. Oh and yesterday I called a guy childish, he got so pissed at me because of that so he took me away from Snapchat. Yeah, I'm not good with guys, because I really don't understand them.

And guys please tell me I'm not the only one being stressed about fucking school. At the moment I can't even relax because I'm soon going to take my train to school. And I have so many homework to do, and I just want to disappear. Sometimes it would be easier if I died I think. But I'm going to give myself a promise as long I have just one person that cares for me I won't do anything stupid. I don't like talking about this but I have problems with myself,and those problems makes me do stupid things sometimes.

I know what y'all are thinking, she has no life. And to e honest I don't, that's why I'm here obviously, and I'm pretty sure you don't have a life either if you are here and reading my bullshit.

20 mins then I'm going to school. Yay, I'm so exited for 7 hours of hell.... Okay so I do know now I have 5 readers and I'm really interested in your life so please don't be a shy person like me and comment something, it would be much funnier to read if you are active and comment things as well.

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