Part 3

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AN: Warning and Disclaimer:

This piece popped in my head one day, and I couldn't get it out, All characters belong to SM I'm just playing with the plot.

There may be triggers of abuse for some; please take care when reading.

The rating is for a reason; please take into consideration: language and Lemons.


One second I was looking at my beautiful Mate lying on Emmett McCarty's bed wondering if what I had heard was right; the next, I turn to look at her again, and she has gone.

Both Emmett and I rushed towards the window; I looked to the ground, hoping to see her, only to see nothing. As I looked towards the forest, I saw Emmett nod ever so slightly, before I could ask. He turned on my brother.

"I will be leaving to find my daughter; there is not a single thing you will do to stop me. Neither of us agreed to stay here to work for you; I am not one of your guards, neither is Bella. If you try and stop me, I will kill you and burn you to ash. Sorry Picia, but I will." Emmett said, looking briefly over at my other sister.

"I'm sure I can find something to help you on your way to our lovely Bella. There are many here in the castle that she called a friend before, and after she turned, any of them will be willing to assist you if asked." Picia said as she glared at her Mate.

"Aro, are you that worried about keeping power that you resent a child in pain? There is every chance that she may come back to us, given time and understanding." Marcus said to our brother, even though his words were calm, his demeanour was not. He must have confirmed a suspicion everyone in the castle held, even one owned by myself, that Aro killed his sister to keep Marcus' gift within his reach.

"You did, didn't you Aro, you killed Didyme," Dora asked. He never answered.

"Emmett pack what you must, I will help you find your daughter," I told my Mate's father. He nodded and rushed to pack.

"You will not leave this castle either of you; I will send Demetri to find the newborn and drag her back here!" Aro screamed. Before I got the chance to step forward and tear him apart for insulting my Mate, we all stepped back looking on dumbfound as Sulpicia tore her Mate and husband apart.

"I apologise, but this madness could not continue. Demetri couldn't find her if she were the last human or vampire on this earth. Emmett, please, I ask for you to let your daughters Mate join you on your search, as much as she has and is hurting they do need each other." Sulpicia implored my Mate's father.

He seemed to agree begrudgingly. Marcus and I called Felix and Demetri to move Aro to what most dubbed the wives tower; Sulpicia called on Corin to make him happy to stay there until such time I returned with my Mate, so Marcus and I could decide what to do with him.

Two hours later, Emmett and I had placed our bags in my Bentley, and we left. He told me we should head towards Paris, so that is what we did. I asked him how he could be her father when I had heard her on the phone to her father he let me know Charlie, my Mates human father, was sterile and that he had found his Mate in her mother, who had just married Charlie, my Mate's mother became pregnant with her. So she was already a hybrid then before I changed her.

It turns out my Mate's mother had been very selfish over the years. Emmett told me how Renee, my Mate's mother, had demanded he pay her a monthly allowance to make sure that she could keep Isabella in a comfortable lifestyle, I would like to meet this woman.

"Renee just wanted to do her best for Bella, she ended up being a single mom, I helped out where I could, I asked for Bella to be informed about me, but there was always an excuse. I asked Renee if she wanted me to change her so we could be together, she recoiled at the idea, when I told her it was the law, she laughed and said that I had to protect her." Emmett stated. I was starting to wonder if this Renee was his Mate. I will have her brought to Volterra under misleading pretences if need be and ask Marcus to read the bonds. Something didn't feel right when it came to this woman.

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