Part 6

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AN: Warning and Disclaimer:

This story popped in my head one day, and I couldn't get it out, All characters belong to SM I'm just playing with the plot.

There may be triggers of abuse for some; please take care when reading.

The rating is for a reason; please take into consideration: language and Lemons.


Child of the moon.

I heard Felix's shout for me to get back to the car, Caius had taught me how to fight these beasts before I ever faced one, the last time I had done though I barely made it out with my life. I knew that I was only just faster than these beasts; my newborn speed had never waned. I could nearly feel it's breath on the back of my neck. Looking up, I watched as both my guard ran towards me, the panic on their faces evident. I turned, making sure that it was a child of the moon behind me before I plunged my hand into his chest and ripped out its heart, just as it raised its claw to me. As I dropped the heart, I also severed its head. I looked around for any signs of anymore in the area. Felix and Demetri were by my side in the seconds it took me to take down the beast before me. I heard Demetri on the phone to my husband. Who was currently yelling at him to get me to safety; I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"Send for more guards to check the area. I will be going through the town as I planned before doing anything else. Tell my husband, to stop shouting like a banshee, and calm the fuck down." I instructed my guard, who just laughed as the message was given to Caius, just as I spoke it.

I made my way towards the town, which had grown over the last century, and become a lively little town, with a nightlife of its own and everything, something that it lacked when I was human and living here.

As I walked through, I was more on guard than I would typically be because there were now Children of the Moon here in little old Forks, WA.

I picked up a scent that was stronger than any other. It smelt like it was the scent of an alpha. I raced away to our hotel as I called Felix and told him where I was and to get their arses back here immediately. Seconds later, the door was opened and in walked my guard. I called Caius before I talked to them, so I didn't have to repeat myself.

"I found an alpha, and he is old, could very well be the same age as I am. I didn't know that they were also immortal. I'm going to need help, we are not leaving until the moon passes, and it is safe to approach the alpha. I think I recognised the scent, though." I said as Caius picked up the phone.

"You will not stay there. You will leave immediately and come back home, and this is not going up for argument, Isabella." Caius said to me; I knew he was trying to stay calm, even though his panic was starting to take over. I knew he didn't want to lose me to an actual werewolf. Now that we knew that there was an alpha in the area, I knew he didn't want me to take any unnecessary risks.

"I will not be going anywhere until the phase of the moon is complete; I will not risk the safety of my guards, let alone my safety. All three of us are currently sitting in my hotel room, and are about to ride it out. I have already killed one tonight. I need to shower and burn the clothes I have on, so they cannot track, so talk to Felix." I said to him as I threw the phone over to Felix, getting up and making my way into the shower. I was glad that they still used metal rubbish bins in some places so that we didn't need to make out way out of the hotel room to burn any scent away.

I watched, when they had entered the room, they were laying down a spray that hunters use if they get sprayed by skunks. We found that the extra healthy dose worked wonders against the children of the moon when we needed to hide our scents.

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