Day of the Dead

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    Alex growled. "Okay that's it, we're gonna kill whoever it is. First I was gonna say let's stop them now we're gonna rip their head off and shove them up their-"

    Natalie cut him off before he had a chance to finish. She sighed. "What I was going to say was that we're not dealing with anyone exceptional. Only my parents were killed, which narrows down what Earth quite significantly." It was obvious what had happened there. Who was getting erased from time? Her. Who wasn't? Him. Therefore his parents died at least after his birth - most likely later.

    "Do you remember the incident?" They both knew what that was code for. There was that one time where Natalie's parents turned up and saved Alex's parents lives. He was twelve. That... must have been when they died. Natalie's parents? Much, much earlier.

    "Yeah I do.... But I was knocked unconscious due to a complication with my powers. I don't remember most of that day..." Alex replied. He looked at his sister inquisitively. They had both agreed not to speak about it and yet... these circumstances probable allowed for the rules to be bent. Especially if it's relevant.

    "You were lucky, in my memories of it." Natalie sighed. "Your parents were overrun with all kinds of enemies. You know that much. What you don't know, it that there really were tons of them. Even your father began to get tired. We were coming over for a quick trip and saw this massive battle. I went to check on you and found you safe. You must have been moved by your parents just in case. My parents then gave your dad enough time to recharge, also taking out large amounts of the attackers in the process. Between the four of them, they fought it off. Your father's armour barely survived. The point is... without my parents... which the new timeline must have... yours would have died." Natalie let that ring for a minute. 

    "And... I think... when it happened... I wasn't born yet..." She let's that process for even longer. "And... there's only one way to test that..."

    Alex held up a hand. "The house is breaking apart" he said, pointing to the wall. Blue cracks were corroding everything, from the floor to the wall and pretty much everything. Alex flashed into his dad's suit, which refitted itself to his liking. It was now much more slimmer and a shadowy black colour. Instead of chrome grey. He let his helmet unfold and sighed. "I guess this is mine now... We need to go"

    Natalie pulled something out of a hidden pocket on her suit. It was an earpiece. "Go find somewhere unchanged for us to set up. Pretty much anywhere but 8, here and 42 I think. Also, avoid 1 - no West-Allen or I might not be responsible for my actions." She gave him a nod before turning to run. She called out one final message. "I'm going to go find out as much as I can from 2017."

    She ran as fast as she could and spontaneously a date arrived in her mind. Somehow, she just knew that she needed to go to 2017. And a particular day at a particular time. She wasn't sure what she would find.

    And, because she was thinking of the date, she did travel to exactly then on her Earth. And what she saw was most certainly not what she had been told. Time had changed. Central City had changed.

    She was surrounded by debris. There was smoke in the air. Surrounding buildings were decimated into rubble, and further away they had damaged faces. It was like someone had just removed a few of the buildings to make a clearing.

    She guessed that that was her father's work. Her mother didn't have the ability to bring down four quite tall buildings that easily. Especially once she looked at the ground. Blood. Some of it was fairly fresh. At least three people had died in bloody ways.

    Probably her mother's work, she thought before a sickening thought overtook her mind. Perhaps... perhaps it was her. Perhaps this blood was (partially) caused by her parents deaths. If she is being erased from time... then they must have died. Before she was born. And this... this fits the bill perfectly.

    Reluctantly, she raised a hand at the first patch of blood. The smaller patch - she figured that the larger patch would have been their victims. A blast of icy mist struck a small section of the pool. The mixture showed it's true colours there and then. Half of the target was frozen solid. The other half seemed to soak up the mist.

    Natalie only knew one person who's blood could survive such temperatures. Her mother. Here lies the blood of Killer Frost.

    She moved to a different part of the pool, on the other side from her ice test. She looked at her left hand and began to vibrate it. Her hand was shrouded in red lightning as it vibrates at immense speeds. She flicked her finger as she stopped the vibrations. A short burst of red lightning shot out of her hand and into the pool. Half of her target sizzled and died with the burst. The other half absorbed it.

    There were only two possible people who this could be. Edobard Thawne or the Dark Flash. Given how it was next to her mother, she guesses that it was her fathers.

    She couldn't deny the truth any longer. Her parents had been murdered. By heroes. They had obviously taken the bodies, probably to burn them or something like that. She felt a rage build up in her body. She had to get back... back to the future. She couldn't stay here or she'd do things she would regret. She turned on her heel and ran back to the present, as fast as she could.

    In her clouded judgement she didn't think about how her present would be worse for her anger. Nor did she see the blonde woman hovering above the nearest skyscraper, her face adorned with a sad smile.


'Users of the Negative Speed-Force are able to do so much more. The red lightning fuels you and an make you change time and space in an instant. However, users should be warned of unforeseen changes to the timeline. The red lightning, whilst being powerful, does have an unintended side effect. You are quicker to anger, and angrier in general. People will know your wrath. I should know, it got me marooned in the past.' - Edobard Thawne, page 20 of The Intricacies of Time

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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