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Yuta yawned as he stretched his arms above his head. He had slept for a mere three hours which felt more like three minutes as he forced his eyes to open. Letting his head turn to the side, he gazed upon his lover who was sound asleep beneath the blankets. Sicheng's bare body is sheltered from the cool breeze which flows through the opened window.

Taking notice of the breeze, Yuta finds himself quietly slipping out of the bed and onto his feet. He tip toes over to pull the window closed. It is at the window which he views a scenario which quickly distressed him.

He barely breathes as he slips into a shirt and a pair of pants with his shoes before running out of the room. He pushes past all who get in his way as he runs to the front yard of the institute.

"Let me go! You have no right to do this!" The young male screams out, thrashing against the tight grip which Taeil has on him. The crazy older has tied this boy's wrists together in order to keep him under control.

The boy looks at Yuta with a pleading look. He mentally begs for the others help, if only he knew how powerless the male before him had been rendered.

"Ahhh Sir Yuta," Taeil exclaims with his typical singsong voice as he notices the dark haired males appearance. "Sorry I didn't wake you to come and capture this young thing. You seemed so comfy with dear old Sicheng I thought I'd let you use up those few moments of peace. There won't be many left after all."

The younger can't help but grimace at these words, he notices the captured boy frowning in pure fear of the unknown.

"You're scaring him," Yuta refrains from speaking his mind. He knows it won't lead him anywhere, especially not today.

"Am I? Poor thing," Taeil chuckles as roughly pats the boy's shoulder. "Do you reckon he could run fast? I reckon he could be a good sprinter if he was given a good reason."

Yuta did not like where this conversation was quickly headed.

"Like if a monster were to appear," The older pauses as he suddenly jumps up in joy. "I know, how about we allow for you to attempt an escape. I'll even give you a 10 second head start!"

Hope flashes past the eyes of the captured. Fool.

Yuta simply observed as Taeil uses his dagger to cut through the rope he had spent minutes tying. As soon as it falls to the ground, the boy runs. With a grin plastered to his features, Taeil counts down the time on his fingers. As he approaches one, he meets Yuta's gaze, choosing to ignore the look of disgust.

"Would you like to chase our guest or shall I?"

The King to-be doesn't respond. He refuses to take part in this silly activities. It is fully unnecessary and only occurs due to the fact that it entertains the simple minded, Moon Taeil.

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