Chapter eight: Your own personal Hell

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Lucifer's hand pressed against the human's lower back, guiding him through Hell. They had currently just entered the devil's palace and Jeremy followed him soundly, "Where are we going?" He assumed they'd go back to his living quarters but Lucifer walked straight past them.

Jeremy's heart was starting to beat a little faster in anticipation and dread. Lucifer had held his end of the deal and now it was time for the human to pay up. He'd promised to live with Lucifer in Hell but he hadn't specified where or how— now he was regretting that it wasn't established before he agreed.

The pair came to a halt in front of a hallway that Jeremy immediately recognised. It was the hallway that Lucifer had warned him against entering when he first arrived at his palace. The boy gulped when he saw the eternal hallway filled with doors everywhere and guards outside. Lucifer sighed and continued walking, passing door after door, not sparing anything or anyone a glance, and as expected, Jeremy followed him like a little puppy. He was curious about what was going to happen but anxiety was slowly clawing at him for the exact same reasons.

It seemed like an eternity before their feet stopped padding across the floor, and Lucifer halted in front of a maroon door. Jeremy glanced at it before turning to the devil again, "What's in there?"

Lucifer was silent for a moment, contemplating his wording, "This is where you'll live for the rest of eternity." Jeremy almost sighed in relief and smiled, "Oh, alright." The devil's eyes refused to meet the boy's and that was the moment that Jeremy knew that there was something he wasn't telling him, "What aren't you telling me?"

He saw a flicker of emotion across his face before he lightly shook his head. The movement was small and if the boy hadn't already been looking, then he would've never noticed it. "Human," he started, "This is your own personal Hell. It has been designed just for you. It was difficult to make it for you because you haven't done a lot of wrongdoings in your life. I did notice that you once smacked a guy for grabbing your ass," he snorted, "That was fun."

"I'm to be in my personal Hell for eternity?" Jeremy gasped and pointedly decided to ignore his last comment. "Of course," he replied as if it was obvious. "It's basically Hell's version of a reality show, the demons love it." Jeremy's lip curled in distaste, "Well, I don't want that."

Lucifer guffawed loudly, "Boy, you don't have a choice, we made a deal and this is you keeping your end! You have an innocent soul, which in other words mean, you're easy to spook but I've gone easy on you. It won't be easy but you technically can't die in there so think of it as mostly mental torture." Mostly?

"But I don't need a personal room, being in this heat is bad enough!" He cried, "It's not fair, I don't even belong here."

"No, you're absolutely right. You don't belong here and I deny having a gift from God living in my quarters," he snapped, all traces of humour gone. "I'm still keeping my deal with you staying in Hell, we never specified where anyway."

Lucifer grabbed the door handle and twisted it open. Jeremy held his breath as his eyes took in the setting but immediately released it when no monsters jumped out and attacked him. The room was an exact replica of his bedroom back in London. A figure was sitting on his bed but he couldn't see the face due to the dark. Lucifer gently pushed him into the room but when the figure didn't move a muscle, Jeremy turned to face the devil, "What about all the fun we had the other day when we got drunk on whiskey together? Doesn't that mean anything?" He knew he was grasping at straws here but this was his last chance of getting out of this predicament.

"That's all history now." With that as his final words, Lucifer turned around and walked away, not once turning to look back. Jeremy could only watch, as his back grew smaller. A guard stepped in front of his vision and roughly pushed him further into the room before he grunted and shut the door. Jeremy was shocked and struggled not to stumble. He tore his eyes from the closed door to the figure on his bed that had started moving as soon as the door closed.

The figure stood from the bed and stared at Jeremy, waiting for him to come closer. He took a few short steps and took a sharp breath when he realised who the figure was, "Luke? Is that you?" Could it really be?

The figure nodded and Jeremy's eyes started overflowing with tears without his consent. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" His voice broke. "You died, how are you here?" In retrospect the question was fairly stupid since they were in Hell, but Jeremy couldn't think clearly.

"You killed me!" Luke snarled. Jeremy was surprised by his tone and took a quick step back when he could see his face properly. Luke's face was identical to Jeremy's but it was covered in cuts and bruises, "Killed you? You got sick, remember?" He gasped, did he not remember? Luke's lips lifted in a snarl, showing off his row of sharp teeth. This wasn't Luke; this wasn't his twin brother who died in his sleep when they were 9. Jeremy almost felt a sense of relief with this realisation. Luke would be in Heaven right now where he belongs, not in Hell with him.

His realisation also caused a cold chill to rake through his body, because if it wasn't his brother in front of him, then who was this person? Jeremy's sense of reality was dwindling by the minute and Luke kept stepping closer and closer to him.

Suddenly every detail that deviated from the real Luke was changing. His teeth didn't look so sharp anymore, his eyes weren't as dark as the night anymore and his snarl resembled a familiar smile. Luke was really here and Jeremy smiled in realisation. "You killed me, Jeremiah, don't you remember how you beat me up?" His smile instantly disappeared, what was his brother talking about?

"No, I didn't kill you, I swear!" The boy defended himself.

He lightly touched his hand, "You killed me." I did? He thought.

"Yes." I killed my brother. The panic flowing through his body made him feel dizzy but Luke's bruising tight hold on him, kept him steady. "Why would you kill me?" Luke continued. Jeremy shook his head vigorously, "I don't— I don't know."

"You hated me, remember?" Jeremy looked into his eyes, "I hated you."

Luke nodded, "Yes, brother, and then you hit me over and over again." I did? He thought once more. "Yes," He whispered, "Just like now."

Jeremy had no control over his body, sweat was running down his forehead as he realised that he was kicking Luke who had fallen to the floor. When he groaned, Jeremy instantly stopped, stumbling away in horror. "What's going on?" He whispered mostly to himself. "You're killing me, Jer-bear, I thought you loved me!"

"But I do love you!" His voice shook as he shouted the words. He looked around his bedroom, "I'll go get mum and dad, and— and then—" Jeremy was stumbling over his words and in his confused state, he didn't realise that Luke has risen from the floor, not a bruise in sight as he kept throwing tormenting words at the boy who had curled into a ball on the floor, covering his ears with his shaking hands.

Luke smiled as he stared down at the shaking body. I love my job, the demon thought and changed his appearances into a new version of Luke whose face was so swollen with bruises that he could barely see, "Look at me, Jer-bear." Jeremy slowly lowered his hands and dared to bring his eyes up to Luke's. The bloodied sight made his stomach churn and a scream ripped through his throat before he could stop it.

GUYS WE'VE HIT 1K NOW AND MORE IM SO HAPPY! ILY! Literally the reads have doubled in a week and I was just shocked when I saw it, so thank you so much!

I'm currently out travelling for a month but I've written all the chapters I'll be posting during my vacation because I literally have no time to write here, but yea it's all good, no updates will be late

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