Chapter thirteen: Daddy issues

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A/N: Accidentally wrote this whole chapter in present tense so had to change it. That sucked lmao and I might've missed some places, so feel free to point them out including spelling errors! English isn't my first language but I've had it in school for approx. 9 years so it isn't really an issue either.. Anyway here's chapter 13, enjoy! x

The next morning Jeremy woke up with a start, his wrapped up wounds were burning and he gasped loudly when he saw the devil himself standing at the foot of his bed, staring intently at the human.

Lucifer had too much pride to ever admit that his heart skipped a beat and his hands grew clammy when he came back to his palace, only to find his human missing. He was, however, more than happy to express his anger towards the boy and his servant, and had resorted to putting the both of them on house arrest.

Jeremy's heart pounded hard in his chest as he wondered what the devil was doing in his bedroom. When he had found him and Doriani at the shop, Lucifer was so furious that he could barely get any comprehendible words out so he resorted to grabbing their arms and dragging them out of the shop. When the dominant male had glanced at the shop owner and seen his pale face, he instantly knew something had happened prior to his arrival, and instantly put Abigor on the task of finding out what happened and punishing him.

Now, as Lucifer contemplated Jeremy's future in Hell and all the weird happenings around them, Jeremy sat up in his bed, unbeknownst to what was going to happen. He hoped Lucifer hadn't come here to give him another lecture— His hands would still start shaking just by the thought of this happening. Jeremy thought back to the furious devil who wanted nothing more than to take all his frustrations out on the boy. He wanted to beat him and spank him, yet he hadn't.

The devil didn't notice him trembling, and if he did then he promptly ignored it. Out of the blue, the devil sighed deeply, "You're turning into a much bigger problem than I'd thought you would." Apologies instantly flooded Jeremy's mouth as he stared up at the devil with big, wide eyes. Lucifer knew he should've punished the human more severely but just one look at the boy, and his heart seemed to melt a little. Doriani, however, was another story and he now sported a black eye and a split lip for convincing his human to be disobedient. "Quiet," He snapped. Jeremy instantly stilled and curled his legs under his arms; the devil noticed this but chose not to comment.

"This whole mix-up between you and Kevin has caused an earthquake on Earth and acid rain in Hell, but that dumb motherfucker in Heaven hasn't gotten anything," His eyes turned pitch black as he growled. "If he thinks he's going to be spared, then he's got another thing coming—" The human boldly interrupted, "I'm sure God doesn't want any of this to happen." His bravery instantly shrank to the size of nothing when he saw the look on Lucifer's face. "You are mine, so don't you dare defend my father," the devil walked around the bed and closed the distance between them, grabbing the boy's jaw roughly. "You belong in Hell now, do you understand?" Lucifer growled and Jeremy nodded the best he could. "I said, do you understand!"

"Y-yes, sir," He stuttered out. "Good." Lucifer let go of Jeremy but didn't move away by more than half a meter, and the boy's hand instantly went up to soothe his burning jaw. The sight pained Lucifer a little but he knew it was necessary. The room fell silent after this and it was awkward. The devil's fingers drummed on his thigh while the human's eyes bore into the seam of his shirt, finding it more interesting than staring into the wall. Minutes passed with this and the human grew increasingly uncomfortable, as he really wanted to ask why he hadn't left yet but he didn't dare to ask.

Instead, he moved his bum a little to get more comfortable which seemed to snap Lucifer out of his daze, "Since we've made a deal and you can't leave Hell, we have to bring your murderer back where he belongs in a personal hell room." Silence filled the room once more, "My father is full of himself and thinks he's above everybody else, but no one messes with Mother Nature and if this balance isn't restored, then more of my people will get hurt or die."

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