The nightmare begin

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Izuku POV ~
" what's wrong " my mom ask the doctor as he look up " your son his quirk is really dangerous it called demon he can control people body's has fire. Manipulation and will grow wings horns and tail and sharp teeth " " oh my " my mom looked at me worry " I suggest you keep his quirk secret for his sake if he falls into the wrong hand who know what will happen in the future " my mom nodding her head yes

After the doctor appointment ~

Inko POV ~
As me and izuku got into the car and started driving home I began to worry about my little izuku I don't want him to get hurt as I was driving a car run right into me and before. We crashed I grabbed izuku and hug him as tight as I could to keep him safe " I love you izuku I always will " after I said that the car cashed ever thing went black

Izuku POV ~
Me and mommy got into the car I was kinda of upset I couldn't use my quirk but happy i had one me and mommy was driving and a car was coming full speed down the street and before we crashed she pick me up and hold me tight to keep me save and before we crashed she told me she love me and always will and then we crashed everything went black I woke to hear my mom holding me and screaming at somebody but I couldn't see but then my vision cleared up and I saw a mist person and somebody with really crack skin " mommy what's going on " I said she looked at me and smile " izuku I want you to run as fast as you can and find a pro quick " before I can run a mist like portal appear under me and I teleported next to the mist guy " your not really smart lady trying to play hero you disgust me i just put you out of your misery " the crack lip guy said and walk up to my mom and reach out his hand I scream " no leave me mommy alone don't kill her she the alone thing a have no " put it was to late he put his hand round her neck and she turn into dust that when something inside me snap my eyes turned red I grew wings and horns my teeth got sharp fire appear in my hand I look at the crusty lip guy and threw fire arrows at him and it pierced him and made him bleed he scream in agony the mist guy ran to him and then they both left but before they left crusty lip guy said he be back for me and then the mist disappeared it was late at night so there was nobody to help me I started to cry really loud but the. I heard a gruffly voice " hey kid why you crying I look up and saw the pro hero Eraserhead I ran up and hug his leg and told him everything that happen to the doctors appointment to the car crash and my mom death he pick me up not before calling. The police and then we left disappearing in the darkness

Hey guys how did I do I wrote longing then last time welp bye guys
author Chan ~

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