no ones pov
As the battle raged on in to the night as the fires of both food and houses lit the sky like stars the ground was littered with weapons and bodies alike it had been a long and hard fought battle and the rest were captured and lined up for Apollyon's judgement. First was a Raider ''you have killed 10 of our men what do you have to say for your self'' the Lawbringer spoke in a commanding voice ''I would do it ten times over'' he spat with venom in his voice as he looked over to his warlord for an answer and all she did was a slight nod of her head. The Lawbringer raised his axe up high before bringing it down on the Raider's neck taking it clean of as the head rolled on the ground the crow made quick work of it as they ripped it to pieces. As this went on a peacekeeper and warden watched in silence.
''Y-You fought v-very well Y/N'' she stuttered trying to start the conversation.
''Thanks Mercy! You fought pretty well too. I was impressed with how many people you killed!" Y/N said back to Mercy with a smile. He was good friends with her and she was good friends with him.
'' He thinks I did good'' she shouted in her mind ''w-what where you l-l-looking out for m-me then?'' she asked in a timid and cute voice as here cheeks turned red but this time she had taken of her mask and hood letting her chestnut hair and hazel eyes show in the fires light.
"Haha, of course I was silly! Friends all ways look out for each other!" Y/N chuckled and gently nudged her shoulder playfully. He was oblivious to the fact that she liked him.
''Yes that what friends do'' she says in a dull and defeated tone ''I'm going to get a drink I'll be back soon'' she sighs as she walks of sadly.
"Oh, okay! see ya Angel." He said, slightly confused why she was acting that way. Y/N then notices a berserker in the distance and becomes curious as he then walks over to her.
As the berserker is taken to where she would be killed she could only have one thought in her mind that she would die not knowing what having some one that loves you is like ''Berserker I didn't see you in the fight how many did you kill'' the lawbringer ordered. She could not speek she was still in her thoughts ''very well then'' was all the lawbringer said as he raised his axe. As she was about to accept her fate a voice rang out from her left.
''40'' the males voice rang out ''she killed 40 of our men including Derik....she could be a great warrior she just needs some better guidance'' the voice said. It was Y/N's he knows that was a lie as he killed the Viking who was responsible for that feet. As Apollyon walked over to the Berserker and looked her over before speaking.
''40.......well are right Y/N she would be a great warrior for the legion'' she says clearly impressed turning to the knight ''as you where the one to see her accomplish this feet I will put her under you command'' she says before looking back at the Berserker '' well stand you are now under the wing of this knight do as he says and stay in line and we wont have a it?'' she asked in a sinister voice.
''Y-Y-Y-Yes my lord I will not leave his side'' the Berserker says in a panicked state.
''~Hmph, I hope not unless you plan to bathe and sleep with him~'' the warlord says in an amused voice.
Y/N looked at the warlord with a sort of awkward look on his face. "I uh- I will...make sure she doesn't leave my side-" He told her with a slight stutter as his face flushed a light shade of red.
As the warlord walked away to deal it the remanding Vikings the Berserker turned to the knight and asked ''W-W-Why did you do that?'' she asked in a puzzled and awkward manner as her face was a bright crimson at what was implied by the lord.
Y/N looked over at the berserker and rubbed the back of his neck a little. "Oh uh, well...I-I just thought were innocent and that you didn't deserve that-" He told her, not having the guts to tell her the truth.
''o-oh then thank you'' she replied ''well I'm Elizabeth...and you are?'' she asked in a sweet tone.
''O-O-Oh right my name is'' the knight couldn't get his name out before being interrupted by a equally sweet voice.
''Hello I'm Mercy Y/N's most trusted person in the whole world and you are?'' Mercy sings entering the conversation handing Y/N a mug of alcohol and placing her arm in his.
Elizabeth looked over at Mercy with a polite yet unassuming smile. "Oh, why hello Mercy. Is she your girlfriend, Y/N?" She asked him as she looked up to see him.
Y/N looked to see Mercy linking arms with him. "Mercy! Hello!" He said with a warm smile before looking back at Elizabeth. "Hm? Oh no, haha! Mercy is just a good friend of mine!" Y/N told her with a chuckle as he held the mug of alcohol that Mercy gave him, not really thirsty himself.
Mercy giggled at Y/N as she was quite drunk already. She then swung her arm around his neck. "Oh Y/N! Don't pretend that we're not a thing." Mercy said to him as she then looked at Elizabeth with a glare. "He's MY boyfriend for your information." She snarled at her before placing a hand on Y/N's chest.
Elizabeth gave them both a look of disbelief but she was a little hurt inside too. "O-Oh..well i'm sorry to bother you two.." She said, looking at drunken Mercy before switching her focus back to Y/N. "Well thank you for helping me...i'll be waiting on the wagon when you're ready to head back." Elizabeth said to him before then heading to the wagon to think things over.
Y/N looked over as Elizabeth walked off. He felt a little awkward and confused by the situation going on. Y/N looked down at Mercy in confusion. "Look, I get you were just trying to protect me, but she's harmless. I'm going to be training her back at the Shard." He explained to her nicely.
Mercy looked up at Y/N and chuffed a little. "Hmph- I bet you're training her.." She mumbled to herself as she then folded her arms together in a tantrum like way. "Well, on that case I will tag along with you guys! Juuustt to be sure." Mercy said to him with a sly grin on her face.
Y/N chuckled slightly at Mercy, still completely clueless about her. "Haha, okay then. If you say so Angel. Come on the, we don't want to keep the others waiting!" He said before heading to the wagon with Mercy.