Chapter 2

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Hiding in his doghouse, Marshall never cried as hard as he did in his life until now. Hugging his pillow, he continued to sob into it as felt his heart shattered into pieces. His own friends, the pups he worked and played with for years hated him. Hearing such awful things his so called friends had said about him; he could still hear them in his head. Even Chase, who was like a brother to him, called him an annoyance. They hate me. All of them. And worse of all they're right.

How many times had he been a klutz and ruined their games or fun? How many times did he screw up on a mission? He was a walking disaster, and it was better for everyone if he wasn't around. Removing his head from his tear soaked pillow he glanced at a photo of him and his parents, dressed in firefighter gear. Who am I kidding? I'll never be a great as Mom and Dad. I shouldn't even be in Paw Patrol.

Marshall stood up and walked outside where he saw Adventure Bay, the town that had been his home for years. He had protected and helped so many people here, but it looked like it was all over now. If my friends don't want me, then maybe I should live somewhere else. Away from Paw Patrol. Some place they'll never find me.

He glanced over towards the nearby snowy mountains and came to a realization. That's it! I'll just live up in the mountains! It's got snow, cute penguins, and I can still help people by finding lost skiers! Plus, Everest and Jake live nearby and they don't hate me. Maybe I can convince them to keep my location a secret from the others.

With his mind set, Marshall began to begin packing for his new life.

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