Chapter 7

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As he was ordered, Rubble had taken off for the outskirts of town in his search for Marshall. Along the way, Rubble did his best to resist crying until he had separated from the others. When he did, he finally unleashed the waterworks. He didn't like anyone seeing him cry. It was bad enough he was the youngest out of the group, even younger then Everest who had only been a Paw Patrol member for a few weeks, but he didn't want to be seen as a cry baby. However, this was one moment he could let go of his desire to look more grown up. Guilt hung his heart by the neck as he wished he could take back what he said about Marshall. He was a great pup, and a great Paw Patrol member.

By the time he finished crying, he had arrived at Farm Yumi and Al's barn. The recently married couple had agreed to help find Marshall by searching their fields. It had been half an hour since then, and Rubble had been calling for Marshall without stop, even trying his communicator tag.

Stopping his bulldozer in front of the farm, Rubble looked around again for any sign of the dalmatian. Suddenly, he gasped with joy upon seeing what looked like a cloud with puffs of black dots between a stack of hay. "I only know one dalmatian that has that look!" He joyfully drove his bulldozer to the hay pile and used it to move the hay, only to realize that it was one of the cows instead. "Hey! Your not a dalmatian! You're not even Marshall!"

The cow rolled its eyes before walking away. Rubble sighed before dropping the hay back. He's not here. Maybe I should check the other areas. But what if he's already long gone from Adventure Bay?

The thought that he could never see is buddy again made Rubble whimper. I can't believe I said those things to him. Sure, he screws up, but all of us do. Even me. Heck, I screwed up a lot when I first joined.

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