October 30-Catch

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Leo stepped off the bus in the center of a small town called Ely. The snow blanketed buildings and slush clogged walkways were much quieter than London, but he remained on alert as he looked around. The few, hardy people who strolled about their business didn't give Leo more than a glance. Most of them didn't recognize him out of costume. The exception was a woman in a hideous, but very her, yellow coat. She smiled and waved.

Leo smiled back and drew his long coat a bit tighter about him as the wind gusted. He strode over to her, staying alert for his nemesis who called this town home. He wasn't an extremely dangerous villain, but he had a knack for sneak attacks and a fondness for tasers.

"Thank you so much for coming, Vorto," The woman said, motioning for him to follow her into a local tea house.

"To you, it's always Leo," He said with a grin. "And don't mention it, Elizabeth. You know I'll come any time there's trouble or home cooking. How are the kids?"

They sat at a corner table that gave Leo a clear view of the seating area and a solid wall to his back. He relaxed marginally as the server took their order. Once they were alone again, Elizabeth continued, "They're doing well. I think Jenny might be taking a little too much after her father if you know what I mean." She sighed tiredly. "She got past me the other day to nip an entire tray of cookies that were cooling."

"Ooh. I can only imagine." The mental image of a little girl on a sugar high screaming and running circles around her parents made Leo grimace. Then he whispered, "So, she got the silent feet, huh?"

Elizabeth nodded.

"Any other similarities?" He asked delicately.

Her husband's mental health was a sore point. Most days he was a fine chap, but when he had one of his spells, it usually took Vorto to put a stop to his mischief. Not because of his powers, useful as they were. Leo knew Eugene and how he worked. They'd been friends once.

Elizabeth shook her head. "Believe me; I've been watching. She got his sweet tooth and his gift in spades though."

Leo laughed. "I bet. Doesn't help that her mum is the best baker in town."

"Oh stop, you!" She blushed. "That's not why I called you today anyway," She said as her face fell.

"What is it? Did Eugene relapse?" He asked, brows furrowing as he glanced between doors and ceiling out of habit.

"No! Heavens, I would have told you first if it was that." Elizabeth pursed her lips as the server returned with their drinks. She stared into the depths of her tea for a minute, exhaling slowly once he'd left. "I fear it's worse. He's gone missing."

Leo nearly choked on his tea and coughed into his napkin a few times. "What?"

"I haven't seen him since Sunday."

Four days ago, Leo noted grimly.

"He said he thought someone was following him on Saturday. Then he vanished. I already spoke to the constable, but you know there's bad blood between them. I don't think they're even looking," Elizabeth insisted, tears threatening to overflow.

Leo frowned, thinking about the handful of other missing super reports he'd seen at his office of late. A dread suspicion gnawed at him. He gripped Elizabeth's trembling hand and assured her, "I will find him, I promise you. I'll catch whoever's behind this."

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