Chapter 7

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I ended up partnered with Izuku. Boy was I happy that I didn't end up with Bakugou. I wasn't sure what I'd do if I ended up in a situation any worse than the cooking pairing from earlier. Especially today since he seems to have been in some weird mood today. I do not want to put up with any of that. Not when I have to focus on a big test like this - or any time, for that matter.

" Well, [Y/N], looks like we'll be working together! " Izuku beamed as he approached me. I simply gave a happy grin and nodded. I couldn't wait for this test of courage. The darkness didn't exactly frighten me. It was what was possibly in the dark that left me feeling a little bit unnerved though. But since Izuku would be with me, it's not that bad. Or so I think.

As soon as nightfall came, we all prepared to start the game. Class 1-B ventured into the woods to take their places while everyone tried to decide their starting points. Kota dragged away Mina, Rikido, Eijiro, Hanta, and Denki since they had to review lessons with him. Then, Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll explained how the test worked - and the rules seemed simple enough.

Class 1-B will scatter across the scaring ground and hide. Class 1-A will split up into pairs. Class 1-A must walk into the forest and find a card with their names on it in order to prove they went into the forest while Class 1-B must frighten Class 1-A to run them out of the forest without their cards. Class 1-B must not directly touch Class 1-A but both classes are permitted to use their Quirks as well as any scaring tactics. After both classes have had turns in being the scaring group, the winner will be the class that not only scared more people but the class that was the most creative.

It'll be a walk in the park.

The first few people took turns. A few screams echoed through the forest, but most teams came out with their cards while cheering - or running. Soon, Uraraka and Tsu went. Then, Juzo and Honenuki and Kendo. Izuku and I had gotten bored while waiting the whole time, so we went to go sit off to the side away from the crowd while they did their thing. You could hear the screams and laughter. Occasionally, you could see the aftermath of a quirk that had been used. I started to stress a little bit. Not because I was scared, no no. More because I really wanted to pass. Was there a time limit to finding the cards? If Izuku ran away, would that mean I'm disqualified? I frowned as my brows furrowed a bit. Izuku immediately noticed my concerned expression.

Then, I felt a tongue lick my hand.

"WAAA!! IT'S A WOLF!!" Izuku began to panic, noticing the small shadow dog that had appeared without warning. I sweat-dropped as he tried to bail, but I grabbed him by the arm.

Yeah, if Yui was capable of scaring him, then we're definitely gonna lose...

"Calm down, Izuku. She won't hurt us." I explained as I sit him back down. He quickly calmed down, but looked confused as he looked from the canine to me. I sighed lightly as I looked at Yui, stroking her head as she wagged her tail, making me smile in return.

"This is Yui. She's an entity I created with my quirk when I was little." I explained.

"Woah, that's amazing! A quirk capable of creating something? That's gotta be pretty powerful. Can you call her whenever you want?" He asked as he crouched by Yui and pet her carefully while I only shook my head in denial to his question.

"No, she just...appears. Though, it seems that she only appears when I'm sad or under a great deal of stress." I shrugged as I looked down at the shadow, who seemed more than happy to be meeting a new friend, "You're the only person who knows about her, so don't blab it to everyone else, alright?"

"Huh? How come you keep her a secret?" He looked at me, confused.

"Since I can't control when she comes and goes, I don't want to risk anyone hurting her. I couldn't take losing her." I explained as she then nuzzled her nose under my palm as to tell me to keep petting her. Izuku only nodded in understanding. It then started to grow unreasonably foggy around us. No,'s not fog. 

It's smoke !

Izuku and I sprung up from where we had been sitting to see what was happening. Yui growled at the forest, lowering her head as she prepared for attack. Something was definitely wrong.

"Don't breathe in the smoke! It's toxic!" a yell echoed through the air as we neared the rest of Class 1-A. Just then, two villains appeared. One guy that looked like a hippie, and the other who looked like...a wannabe ninja turtle. It didn't take even a second for the Wild, Wild Pussycats to start attacking after they had the remainder of the students flee inside the building with Mr. Aizawa, where it was presumably safe.

"Where's Kota!?" Izuku exclaimed as he had seen no sight of the boy. Everyone looked around. Not knowing where the small boy was. Aizawa then stepped up to the boy.

"Midoriya, leave it to the professionals to find him. I'm sure he'll be alright." He tried explaining, but was cut off by a worked up Izuku.

"There's no time! What if the villains get to him before they do!?" He balled his fists up, giving no chance to Aizawa to calm him down as he turned on his heel and darted from the room, having an idea of where to find the boy. At the place he had talked to him. The small cave.

"I said wait!" Aizawa yelled, but to no avail. I then looked from the door to the ravenette before taking my leave as well without a moments notice. I had to help Izuku find Kota. I can't just stand around and do nothing!

Making our way into the woods, we found many students unconscious as Yui formed by my side, running with Izuku and I. She growled, then woofed at me. For some reason, I could understand her warning.

"Izuku, try not to breathe in the smoke - it's toxic!" I yelled to him as we ran, in which he only nodded. We had to hurry. Please be okay Kota.

As the small boy looked over the trees from atop the cliff, Kota could see blue flames engulfing the forest and hear the yells of the people that were under attack. He had chosen to hide at his secret base as he could do nothing but watch in fear. He was so caught up in fear and watching the scene play out before him that he didn't notice...

The villain approaching from behind.




Okay, so I know I said I'd update like... 5 days ago, but here's that update I promised! ;7;

Next update is scheduled for November 10th! 

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