❄ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer ❄

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  • Dedicated to Matthew

this is dedicated to my friend, matt, who has been my very first inspiration in writing. without him, i probably wouldn't have started making small anecdotes then turning them into stories and even though we barely talk now, i still adore his presence.


all chapters would be named after christmas songs so i suggest you search for them to make your own playlist.

                         ❄ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer ❄

        Ivey Dawson's groan can possibly be heard a mile away. Her AP Math class feels like it's been going on for hours. Mr. Fabia, a thin man with thinning black hair, is droning about slopes of lines when she thought that even watching chess on tv, an activity she absolutely hates after seeing them with her dad, seems far more interesting than their lesson.

        She heard a silent call of her name from behind her so with slight curiousity she turned around to see who it was. Sitting a few seats from her in the back sat Aspen Brooks, one of her best friends who obviously asked someone to pass the folded piece of paper.

        “Uh, Aspen told me to give you this,” Thomas told her as he handed the note.

        “Thanks,” She smiled at him. He looked down at his desk as he turned red.

        You look absolutely bored, darling, the note said. She was about to write down her own reply when the bell suddenly rang.

        She let out a sigh, “Oh thank God that ended.” She grabbed her things and shoved them quite forcefully on her rucksack as she waited for Aspen to finish her nice little chat with Grayson, Aspen's Chemistry partner and the guy she's been crushing on for the past six months. She was blushing like crazy, her ears turned bright as a tomato while Grayson was grinning lopsidedly in a dazed manner. They are so cute together that she just wants to smash their heads to make them realize they are so far off in Loveville.

        Letting out an intentional cough, the soon-to-be couple looked at her direction. Suddenly, Aspen realized that she was there then profusely said goodbye to Grayson before going by her side.

        “I'm so sorry, Ivey. I didn't see you,” Aspen quickly tried to apologize but Ivey continued to smiled at her in a teasing manner. “Oh, I don't mind. As long as you keep both of your clothes on it would be perfectly fine to me.” At those words, Aspen turned into a sick shade of red once again. Her blonde hair swished along the air as she quickly tried to follow Ivey's quick steps.

        Ivey stopped short and waited for her friend as she couldn't hold on to her giddiness. She pinched her friend's cheek with absolute vigor, “Aww, that is so cute. My little Aspen is growing up and falling in love.” They walked the crowded hallways while trying to avoid the stream of students trying to get to their own set of classes. Aspen slapped her hand away and glared at her.

        “Ivey stop it. You know that Grayson doesn't like me in that way,” She casted her grey eyes downward as they reached their own lockers. Ivey got all her necessary binders before closing it to face her. “Sure, keep telling yourself that honey. That boy would do anything for you.”

        “Ivey!” She groaned while Ivey shushed her and told her to get her things before they get late. Aspen, with a small pout, did what was told, murmuring a few things under her breath as she did so.

        “Don't even try to deny it, hon. You like him and he clearly likes you, too. Get over it and now we need to get to class. I'm sure Mademoiselle Chevallier wouldn't be so pleased with you being tardy.” Ivey pushed her friend to the opposite direction before flying her a kiss goodbye. Aspen playfully glared at her as she waved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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