Chapter 6

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*Daniels p.o.v*

Once most of the fans had left, me and the boys went backstage and helped to pack a few things up. " you here that" corbyn paused to listen. " hear what" I stopped to listen.

Suddenly Jon ran in the room with some of security behind him. " COME ON BOYS WE HAVE TO GO" before we knew it we where hiding in a safe room.

We where all extremely confused as to what was going on, but where told to be silent. I couldn't help but think of Lexi. I wondered if she was ok. What was going on out there??Had she made it out of the venue??

My thoughts consumed me as I sat in silence. I looked around to see Jack and Zach hugging while Corbyn and Jonah where texting there girlfriends.

Jon was on a nearly silent call with 911. Suddenly an eerie scream reverberated through the silence. It was Lexi.

The girl in the crowd // D.S [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now